# Distributed Solvers Many of Ginkgo's solver support distributed systems. For them, solving a distributed system is exactly the same as for a non-distributed system. Only the solver has to be generated from a `gko::experimental::distributed::Matrix`, and then applied to `gko::experimental::distributed::Vector`s. If a preconditioner is used, it also has to support distributed systems. A brief example is shown here: ```c++ std::shared_ptr> A = ...; std::unique_ptr> b = ...; std::unique_ptr> x = ...; auto solver = gko::solver::Cg<>::build().on(exec)->generate(A); solver->apply(b, x); ``` ## List of Supported Solvers These solvers are available for distributed systems. - BiCGStab - (F)GMRES - (F)CG - CGS - GCR - IR - MultiGrid, depends on the parameters ## List of Unsupported Solvers These solvers are not available for distributed systems. - BiCG - CB-GMRES - Direct - IDR - triangular solver