# Getting Started - package manager - mention API docs for full details ## Backends Ginkgo supports running on the following architectures: - multi-core x86 CPUs - NVIDIA GPUs - AMD GPUs - Intel GPUs We denote the architecture specific implementations in Ginkgo as backends. The following backends are provided in Ginkgo: Reference : A CPU backend that runs on a single core. This is not optimized and should only be used for verification. OMP : A CPU backend that runs on multiple cores using OpenMP. CUDA : A GPU backend that runs on a single NVIDIA GPU. HIP : A GPU backend that runs on a single AMD GPU. SYCL : A GPU backend that runs on a single Intel GPU. Multiple backends can be used at the same time. Which backends can be used only depends on the system, see [](build-install/system-requirements.md) for more details. The particular backend Ginkgo code runs on is chosen at runtime through an implementation of the `Executor` interface. :::{warning} add links, whatever to the executor reference ::: - support different backends - general overview - high level example ```{literalinclude} ../../../examples/getting-started/getting-started.cpp :language: cpp :lines: 5- ``` :::{toctree} functionality :::