Adding Kernels to Ginkgo

A Ginkgo kernel is a piece of an algorithm that will get dispatched to an Executor. Let’s look at how to add a new kernel and make sure that it can run on all Executors.

As an example, assume we want to add my_new_kernel to be used in TheModifiedSolver. Adding a new Ginkgo kernel will touch several parts of the code:

  • In the relevant header file where you are adding the kernel (here, it would be core/solver/[the_modified_solver]_kernels.hpp), declare the new kernel and add a new macro for it with GKO_DECLARE_[NAMESPACE]_[KERNEL_NAME].

  • In core/device_hooks/, find the correct namespace for TheModifiedSolver. In that section, use the relevant GKO_STUB macro. This will depend on the template parameters. For example, if my_new_kernel only depends on the ValueType used in the solver, then we would use GKO_STUB_VALUE_TYPE(GKO_DECLARE_THE_MODIFIED_SOLVER_MY_NEW_KERNEL);.

  • In the core file where the kernel will be used (here, core/solver/[the_modified_solver].cpp), register the kernel with GKO_REGISTER_OPERATION(my_new_kernel, the_modified_solver::my_new_kernel);. The GKO_REGISTER_OPERATION macro inserts the necessary code to allow you to run the kernel with

  • Finally, we have to write the definition(s) of the kernel for the backends. We will always have, at minimum, two versions of the kernel (one in Reference, and one for the other backends), but we could have separate versions for all backends. In this example, we would add a Reference version to the relevant kernels file in reference/solver, and to other backends as necessary. In each file where we add a version of the new kernel, we follow the definition with the relevant version of the GKO_INSTANTIATE_FOR_EACH_ macro to instantiate the kernel.

  • We also want to add tests for our new kernel. First, we add a test against a known solution/expected outcome to reference/test/solver/[the_modified_solver]_kernels.cpp. Then, we add a test comparing the other backends to Reference. For a unified kernel in common/unified, this test would go in test/solver/[the_modified_solver]_kernels.cpp. Tests for specialized backend implementations belong in `[backend]/test/solver/[the_modified_solver]_kernels.cpp``.

In the next section, we will give more details about creating unified kernels in Ginkgo.