Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1680922742 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Namespaces | Classes

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Factorizations in Ginkgo. More...

Collaboration diagram for Factorizations:


 The Factorization namespace.


class  gko::factorization::Ic< ValueType, IndexType >
 Represents an incomplete Cholesky factorization (IC(0)) of a sparse matrix. More...
class  gko::factorization::Ilu< ValueType, IndexType >
 Represents an incomplete LU factorization – ILU(0) – of a sparse matrix. More...
class  gko::factorization::ParIc< ValueType, IndexType >
 ParIC is an incomplete Cholesky factorization which is computed in parallel. More...
class  gko::factorization::ParIct< ValueType, IndexType >
 ParICT is an incomplete threshold-based Cholesky factorization which is computed in parallel. More...
class  gko::factorization::ParIlu< ValueType, IndexType >
 ParILU is an incomplete LU factorization which is computed in parallel. More...
class  gko::factorization::ParIlut< ValueType, IndexType >
 ParILUT is an incomplete threshold-based LU factorization which is computed in parallel. More...

Detailed Description

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Factorizations in Ginkgo.