Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ doc | |
▼ headers | |
cuda_executor.hpp | |
dpcpp_executor.hpp | |
executors.hpp | |
factor.hpp | |
hip_executor.hpp | |
jacobi.hpp | |
linop.hpp | |
logging.hpp | |
matrix_formats.hpp | |
omp_executor.hpp | |
preconditioners.hpp | |
ref_executor.hpp | |
solvers.hpp | |
stop.hpp | |
▼ gh-pages | |
▼ doc | |
► examples | |
adaptiveprecision-blockjacobi.hpp | |
batched-solver.hpp | |
cb-gmres.hpp | |
custom-logger.hpp | |
custom-matrix-format.hpp | |
custom-stopping-criterion.hpp | |
distributed-multigrid-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
distributed-solver.hpp | |
examples.hpp | |
external-lib-interfacing.hpp | |
file-config-solver.hpp | |
ginkgo-overhead.hpp | |
ginkgo-ranges.hpp | |
heat-equation.hpp | |
ilu-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
inverse-iteration.hpp | |
ir-ilu-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
iterative-refinement.hpp | |
kokkos-assembly.hpp | |
minimal-cuda-solver.hpp | |
mixed-multigrid-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
mixed-multigrid-solver.hpp | |
mixed-precision-ir.hpp | |
mixed-spmv.hpp | |
multigrid-preconditioned-solver-customized.hpp | |
multigrid-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
nine-pt-stencil-solver.hpp | |
papi-logging.hpp | |
par-ilu-convergence.hpp | |
performance-debugging.hpp | |
poisson-solver.hpp | |
preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
preconditioner-export.hpp | |
reordered-preconditioned-solver.hpp | |
schroedinger-splitting.hpp | |
simple-solver-logging.hpp | |
simple-solver.hpp | |
three-pt-stencil-solver.hpp | |
▼ include | |
► ginkgo | |
config.hpp | |
ginkgo.hpp | |
▼ ginkgo | |
▼ core | |
► base | |
abstract_factory.hpp | |
array.hpp | |
batch_dim.hpp | |
batch_lin_op.hpp | |
batch_multi_vector.hpp | |
block_operator.hpp | |
combination.hpp | |
composition.hpp | |
dense_cache.hpp | |
device.hpp | |
device_matrix_data.hpp | |
dim.hpp | |
exception.hpp | |
exception_helpers.hpp | |
executor.hpp | |
fwd_decls.hpp | |
half.hpp | |
index_set.hpp | |
intrinsics.hpp | |
lin_op.hpp | |
machine_topology.hpp | |
math.hpp | |
matrix_assembly_data.hpp | |
matrix_data.hpp | |
memory.hpp | |
mpi.hpp | |
mtx_io.hpp | |
name_demangling.hpp | |
perturbation.hpp | |
polymorphic_object.hpp | |
precision_dispatch.hpp | |
range.hpp | |
range_accessors.hpp | |
scoped_device_id_guard.hpp | |
segmented_array.hpp | |
std_extensions.hpp | |
stream.hpp | |
temporary_clone.hpp | |
temporary_conversion.hpp | |
timer.hpp | |
types.hpp | |
utils.hpp | |
utils_helper.hpp | |
version.hpp | |
► config | |
config.hpp | |
property_tree.hpp | |
registry.hpp | |
type_descriptor.hpp | |
► distributed | |
► preconditioner | |
schwarz.hpp | |
assembly.hpp | |
base.hpp | |
collective_communicator.hpp | |
dense_communicator.hpp | |
index_map.hpp | |
index_map_fwd.hpp | |
matrix.hpp | |
neighborhood_communicator.hpp | |
partition.hpp | |
partition_helpers.hpp | |
vector.hpp | |
vector_cache.hpp | |
► factorization | |
cholesky.hpp | |
factorization.hpp | |
ic.hpp | |
ilu.hpp | |
incomplete_factorization.hpp | |
lu.hpp | |
par_ic.hpp | |
par_ict.hpp | |
par_ilu.hpp | |
par_ilut.hpp | |
► log | |
batch_logger.hpp | |
convergence.hpp | |
logger.hpp | |
papi.hpp | |
performance_hint.hpp | |
profiler_hook.hpp | |
record.hpp | |
solver_progress.hpp | |
stream.hpp | |
► matrix | |
batch_csr.hpp | |
batch_dense.hpp | |
batch_ell.hpp | |
batch_identity.hpp | |
coo.hpp | |
csr.hpp | |
dense.hpp | |
diagonal.hpp | |
ell.hpp | |
fbcsr.hpp | |
fft.hpp | |
hybrid.hpp | |
identity.hpp | |
permutation.hpp | |
row_gatherer.hpp | |
scaled_permutation.hpp | |
sellp.hpp | |
sparsity_csr.hpp | |
► multigrid | |
fixed_coarsening.hpp | |
multigrid_level.hpp | |
pgm.hpp | |
► preconditioner | |
batch_jacobi.hpp | |
gauss_seidel.hpp | |
ic.hpp | |
ilu.hpp | |
isai.hpp | |
jacobi.hpp | |
sor.hpp | |
utils.hpp | |
► reorder | |
amd.hpp | |
mc64.hpp | |
nested_dissection.hpp | |
rcm.hpp | |
reordering_base.hpp | |
scaled_reordered.hpp | |
► solver | |
batch_bicgstab.hpp | |
batch_cg.hpp | |
batch_solver_base.hpp | |
bicg.hpp | |
bicgstab.hpp | |
cb_gmres.hpp | |
cg.hpp | |
cgs.hpp | |
direct.hpp | |
fcg.hpp | |
gcr.hpp | |
gmres.hpp | |
idr.hpp | |
ir.hpp | |
lower_trs.hpp | |
minres.hpp | |
multigrid.hpp | |
solver_base.hpp | |
solver_traits.hpp | |
triangular.hpp | |
upper_trs.hpp | |
workspace.hpp | |
► stop | |
batch_stop_enum.hpp | |
combined.hpp | |
criterion.hpp | |
iteration.hpp | |
residual_norm.hpp | |
residual_norm_reduction.hpp | |
stopping_status.hpp | |
time.hpp | |
► synthesizer | |
containers.hpp | |
▼ extensions | |
► config | |
json_config.hpp | |
yaml_config.hpp | |
► kokkos | |
spaces.hpp | |
types.hpp | |
kokkos.hpp | |