Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1706354773 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Modules | Namespaces | Classes

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Preconditioners in Ginkgo. More...

Collaboration diagram for Preconditioners:


 Jacobi Preconditioner
 A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Jacobi Preconditioner in Ginkgo.


 The Preconditioner namespace.
 The Preconditioner namespace.


class  gko::Preconditionable
 A LinOp implementing this interface can be preconditioned. More...
class  gko::experimental::distributed::preconditioner::Schwarz< ValueType, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >
 A Schwarz preconditioner is a simple domain decomposition preconditioner that generalizes the Block Jacobi preconditioner, incorporating options for different local subdomain solvers and overlaps between the subdomains. More...
class  gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >
 A block-Jacobi preconditioner is a block-diagonal linear operator, obtained by inverting the diagonal blocks (stored in a dense row major fashion) of the source operator. More...
class  gko::preconditioner::GaussSeidel< ValueType, IndexType >
 This class generates the Gauss-Seidel preconditioner. More...
class  gko::preconditioner::Ic< LSolverType, IndexType >
 The Incomplete Cholesky (IC) preconditioner solves the equation $LL^H*x = b$ for a given lower triangular matrix L and the right hand side b (can contain multiple right hand sides). More...
class  gko::preconditioner::Ilu< LSolverType, USolverType, ReverseApply, IndexType >
 The Incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioner solves the equation $LUx = b$ for a given lower triangular matrix L, an upper triangular matrix U and the right hand side b (can contain multiple right hand sides). More...
class  gko::preconditioner::Isai< IsaiType, ValueType, IndexType >
 The Incomplete Sparse Approximate Inverse (ISAI) Preconditioner generates an approximate inverse matrix for a given square matrix A, lower triangular matrix L, upper triangular matrix U or symmetric positive (spd) matrix B. More...
class  gko::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >
 A block-Jacobi preconditioner is a block-diagonal linear operator, obtained by inverting the diagonal blocks of the source operator. More...
class  gko::preconditioner::Sor< ValueType, IndexType >
 This class generates the (S)SOR preconditioner. More...

Detailed Description

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Preconditioners in Ginkgo.