Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1478841010 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.9.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, including all inherited members.

absolute_type typedef (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
add_logger(std::shared_ptr< const Logger > logger) override (defined in gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >)gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >inlinevirtual
apply(ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const (defined in gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
apply(ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) (defined in gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
apply(ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const (defined in gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
apply(ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) (defined in gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
apply2(ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
apply2(ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) constgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
apply2(ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
apply2(ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) constgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
apply_uses_initial_guess() constgko::LinOpinlinevirtual
clear() (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
clear_loggers() override (defined in gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >)gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >inlinevirtual
clone(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
clone() const (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
compute_absolute() const overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
compute_absolute_inplace() overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
compute_absolute_linop() const overridegko::EnableAbsoluteComputation< remove_complex< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > > >inlinevirtual
convert_to(Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > *result) const override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
convert_to(Csr< ValueType, IndexType > *other) const override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
convert_to(Dense< ValueType > *other) const override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >::convert_to(result_type *result) const overridegko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inlinevirtual
convert_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) const (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >::convert_to(result_type *result) const=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >pure virtual
convert_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) const (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >::convert_to(result_type *result) const=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >pure virtual
convert_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) const (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >::convert_to(result_type *result) const=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >pure virtual
convert_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) const (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >inline
Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
Coo< to_complex< ValueType >, IndexType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
CooBuilder< ValueType, IndexType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
copy_from(const PolymorphicObject *other) (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
copy_from(std::unique_ptr< Derived > &&other) (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
copy_from(const std::unique_ptr< Derived > &other) (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
copy_from(const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other) (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
gko::PolymorphicObject::copy_from(std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &&other)gko::PolymorphicObjectinline
gko::PolymorphicObject::copy_from(const std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &other)gko::PolymorphicObjectinline
create(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const dim< 2 > &size=dim< 2 >{}, size_type num_nonzeros={})gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >static
create(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const dim< 2 > &size, array< value_type > values, array< index_type > col_idxs, array< index_type > row_idxs)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >static
create(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const dim< 2 > &size, std::initializer_list< InputValueType > values, std::initializer_list< InputColumnIndexType > col_idxs, std::initializer_list< InputRowIndexType > row_idxs)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inlinestatic
create_const(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const dim< 2 > &size, gko::detail::const_array_view< ValueType > &&values, gko::detail::const_array_view< IndexType > &&col_idxs, gko::detail::const_array_view< IndexType > &&row_idxs)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >static
create_default(std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
create_default() const (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
Csr< ValueType, IndexType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
Dense< ValueType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
device_mat_data typedef (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
EnablePolymorphicObject< Coo, LinOp > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
extract_diagonal() const overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
extract_diagonal_linop() const overridegko::DiagonalExtractable< ValueType >virtual
get_col_idxs() noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_const_col_idxs() const noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_const_row_idxs() const noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_const_values() const noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_executor() const noexceptgko::PolymorphicObjectinline
get_loggers() const override (defined in gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >)gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >inlinevirtual
get_num_stored_elements() const noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_row_idxs() noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
get_size() const noexceptgko::LinOpinline
get_values() noexceptgko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >inline
Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType > (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >friend
index_type typedef (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
LinOp(const LinOp &)=defaultgko::LinOp
LinOp(LinOp &&other)gko::LinOpinline
mat_data typedef (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
move_from(ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other) (defined in gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >)gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Coo< ValueType, IndexType >, LinOp >inline
move_to(Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > *result) override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
move_to(Csr< ValueType, IndexType > *other) override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
move_to(Dense< ValueType > *other) override (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
EnableLinOp< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >::move_to(result_type *result) overridegko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inlinevirtual
move_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >::move_to(result_type *result)=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >pure virtual
move_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >::move_to(result_type *result)=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >pure virtual
move_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >inline
ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >::move_to(result_type *result)=0gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >pure virtual
move_to(ptr_param< result_type > result) (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >inline
operator=(const LinOp &)=defaultgko::LinOp
operator=(LinOp &&other)gko::LinOpinline
operator=(const PolymorphicObject &) (defined in gko::PolymorphicObject)gko::PolymorphicObjectinline
read(const mat_data &data) overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
read(const device_mat_data &data) overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
read(device_mat_data &&data) overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
gko::ReadableFromMatrixData::read(const matrix_assembly_data< ValueType, IndexType > &data)gko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >inline
remove_logger(const Logger *logger) override (defined in gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >)gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >inlinevirtual
remove_logger(ptr_param< const Logger > logger) (defined in gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >)gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >inline
result_type typedef (defined in gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >
result_type typedef (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
result_type typedef (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >
result_type typedef (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >
value_type typedef (defined in gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >
write(mat_data &data) const overridegko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
~ConvertibleTo()=default (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >virtual
~ConvertibleTo()=default (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >virtual
~ConvertibleTo()=default (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >virtual
~ConvertibleTo()=default (defined in gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >)gko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >virtual
~DiagonalExtractable()=default (defined in gko::DiagonalExtractable< ValueType >)gko::DiagonalExtractable< ValueType >virtual
~DiagonalLinOpExtractable()=default (defined in gko::DiagonalLinOpExtractable)gko::DiagonalLinOpExtractablevirtual
~EnableAbsoluteComputation()=default (defined in gko::EnableAbsoluteComputation< remove_complex< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > > >)gko::EnableAbsoluteComputation< remove_complex< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > > >virtual
~Loggable()=default (defined in gko::log::Loggable)gko::log::Loggablevirtual
~PolymorphicObject() (defined in gko::PolymorphicObject)gko::PolymorphicObjectinlinevirtual
~ReadableFromMatrixData()=default (defined in gko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >virtual
~WritableToMatrixData()=default (defined in gko::WritableToMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >)gko::WritableToMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >virtual