Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1680925034 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
gko::matrix Namespace Reference

The matrix namespace. More...


class  Coo
 COO stores a matrix in the coordinate matrix format. More...
class  CooBuilder
class  Csr
 CSR is a matrix format which stores only the nonzero coefficients by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format). More...
class  CsrBuilder
class  Dense
 Dense is a matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix. More...
class  Diagonal
 This class is a utility which efficiently implements the diagonal matrix (a linear operator which scales a vector row wise). More...
class  Ell
 ELL is a matrix format where stride with explicit zeros is used such that all rows have the same number of stored elements. More...
class  Fbcsr
 Fixed-block compressed sparse row storage matrix format. More...
class  FbcsrBuilder
class  Fft
 This LinOp implements a 1D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More...
class  Fft2
 This LinOp implements a 2D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More...
class  Fft3
 This LinOp implements a 3D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More...
class  Hybrid
 HYBRID is a matrix format which splits the matrix into ELLPACK and COO format. More...
class  Identity
 This class is a utility which efficiently implements the identity matrix (a linear operator which maps each vector to itself). More...
class  IdentityFactory
 This factory is a utility which can be used to generate Identity operators. More...
class  Permutation
 Permutation is a matrix format that represents a permutation matrix, i.e. More...
class  RowGatherer
 RowGatherer is a matrix "format" which stores the gather indices arrays which can be used to gather rows to another matrix. More...
class  ScaledPermutation
 ScaledPermutation is a matrix combining a permutation with scaling factors. More...
class  Sellp
 SELL-P is a matrix format similar to ELL format. More...
class  SparsityCsr
 SparsityCsr is a matrix format which stores only the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format). More...


using mask_type = gko::uint64


enum  permute_mode : unsigned {
  permute_mode::none = 0b000u, permute_mode::rows = 0b001u, permute_mode::columns = 0b010u, permute_mode::symmetric = 0b011u,
  permute_mode::inverse = 0b100u, permute_mode::inverse_rows = 0b101u, permute_mode::inverse_columns = 0b110u, permute_mode::inverse_symmetric = 0b111u
 Specifies how a permutation will be applied to a matrix. More...


permute_mode operator| (permute_mode a, permute_mode b)
 Combines two permutation modes.
permute_mode operator& (permute_mode a, permute_mode b)
 Computes the intersection of two permutation modes.
permute_mode operator^ (permute_mode a, permute_mode b)
 Computes the symmetric difference of two permutation modes.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, permute_mode mode)
 Prints a permutation mode.


constexpr int default_slice_size = 64
constexpr int default_stride_factor = 1

Detailed Description

The matrix namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ permute_mode

enum gko::matrix::permute_mode : unsigned

Specifies how a permutation will be applied to a matrix.

For the effect of the different permutation modes, see the following table.

mode entry mapping matrix representation
none $A'(i, j) = A(i, j)$ $A' = A$
rows $A'(i, j) = A(p[i], j)$ $A' = P A$
columns $A'(i, j) = A(i, p[j])$ $A' = A P^T$
inverse_rows $A'(p[i], j) = A(i, j)$ $A' = P^{-1} A$
inverse_columns $A'(i, p[j]) = A(i, j)$ $A' = A P^{-T}$
symmetric $A'(i, j) = A(p[i], p[j])$ $A' = P A P^T$
inverse_symmetric $A'(p[i], p[j]) = A(i, j)$ $A' = P^{-1} A P^{-T}$

Neither rows nor columns will be permuted.


The rows will be permuted.


The columns will be permuted.


The rows and columns will be permuted.

This is equivalent to permute_mode::rows | permute_mode::columns.


The permutation will be inverted before being applied.


The rows will be permuted using the inverse permutation.

This is equivalent to permute_mode::rows | permute_mode::inverse.


The columns will be permuted using the inverse permutation.

This is equivalent to permute_mode::columns | permute_mode::inverse.


The rows and columns will be permuted using the inverse permutation.

This is equivalent to permute_mode::symmetric | permute_mode::inverse.