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Generated from pipelines/1706354773 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the various Matrix Formats in Ginkgo. More...
Classes | |
class | gko::experimental::distributed::Vector< ValueType > |
Vector is a format which explicitly stores (multiple) distributed column vectors in a dense storage format. More... | |
class | gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType > |
Csr is a general sparse matrix format that stores the column indices for each nonzero entry and a cumulative sum of the number of nonzeros in each row. More... | |
class | gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType > |
Dense is a batch matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix in each of the batches. More... | |
class | gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType > |
Ell is a sparse matrix format that stores the same number of nonzeros in each row, enabling coalesced accesses. More... | |
class | gko::batch::matrix::Identity< ValueType > |
The batch Identity matrix, which represents a batch of Identity matrices. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType > |
COO stores a matrix in the coordinate matrix format. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType > |
CSR is a matrix format which stores only the nonzero coefficients by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format). More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Dense< ValueType > |
Dense is a matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Diagonal< ValueType > |
This class is a utility which efficiently implements the diagonal matrix (a linear operator which scales a vector row wise). More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType > |
ELL is a matrix format where stride with explicit zeros is used such that all rows have the same number of stored elements. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType > |
Fixed-block compressed sparse row storage matrix format. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Fft |
This LinOp implements a 1D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Fft2 |
This LinOp implements a 2D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Fft3 |
This LinOp implements a 3D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType > |
HYBRID is a matrix format which splits the matrix into ELLPACK and COO format. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Identity< ValueType > |
This class is a utility which efficiently implements the identity matrix (a linear operator which maps each vector to itself). More... | |
class | gko::matrix::IdentityFactory< ValueType > |
This factory is a utility which can be used to generate Identity operators. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Permutation< IndexType > |
Permutation is a matrix format that represents a permutation matrix, i.e. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType > |
ScaledPermutation is a matrix combining a permutation with scaling factors. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType > |
SELL-P is a matrix format similar to ELL format. More... | |
class | gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType > |
SparsityCsr is a matrix format which stores only the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format). More... | |
A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the various Matrix Formats in Ginkgo.