Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1478841010 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.9.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
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This LinOp implements a 3D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/matrix/fft.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gko::matrix::Fft3:
Collaboration diagram for gko::matrix::Fft3:

Public Types

using value_type = std::complex< double >
using index_type = int64
using transposed_type = Fft3
- Public Types inherited from gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Fft3 >
using result_type = Fft3
- Public Types inherited from gko::ConvertibleTo< Fft3 >
using result_type = Fft3

Public Member Functions

std::unique_ptr< LinOptranspose () const override
 Returns a LinOp representing the transpose of the Transposable object. More...
std::unique_ptr< LinOpconj_transpose () const override
 Returns a LinOp representing the conjugate transpose of the Transposable object. More...
void write (matrix_data< std::complex< float >, int32 > &data) const override
 Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure. More...
void write (matrix_data< std::complex< float >, int64 > &data) const override
 Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure. More...
void write (matrix_data< std::complex< double >, int32 > &data) const override
 Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure. More...
void write (matrix_data< std::complex< double >, int64 > &data) const override
 Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure. More...
dim< 3 > get_fft_size () const
bool is_inverse () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableLinOp< Fft3 >
const Fft3 * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
Fft3 * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
const Fft3 * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
Fft3 * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Fft3, LinOp >
std::unique_ptr< Fft3 > create_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< Fft3 > create_default () const
std::unique_ptr< Fft3 > clone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< Fft3 > clone () const
Fft3 * copy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, Fft3 > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived > &&other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, Fft3 > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived > &other)
Fft3 * copy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
Fft3 * move_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
Fft3 * clear ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::LinOp
LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
 Applies a linear operator to a vector (or a sequence of vectors). More...
const LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
 Performs the operation x = alpha * op(b) + beta * x. More...
const LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
const dim< 2 > & get_size () const noexcept
 Returns the size of the operator. More...
virtual bool apply_uses_initial_guess () const
 Returns true if the linear operator uses the data given in x as an initial guess. More...
LinOpoperator= (const LinOp &)=default
 Copy-assigns a LinOp. More...
LinOpoperator= (LinOp &&other)
 Move-assigns a LinOp. More...
 LinOp (const LinOp &)=default
 Copy-constructs a LinOp. More...
 LinOp (LinOp &&other)
 Move-constructs a LinOp. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< LinOp >
std::unique_ptr< LinOpcreate_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpcreate_default () const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpclone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpclone () const
LinOpcopy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, LinOp > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived > &&other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, LinOp > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived > &other)
LinOpcopy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
LinOpmove_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
LinOpclear ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::PolymorphicObject
PolymorphicObjectoperator= (const PolymorphicObject &)
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectcreate_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
 Creates a new "default" object of the same dynamic type as this object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectcreate_default () const
 Creates a new "default" object of the same dynamic type as this object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectclone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectclone () const
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
PolymorphicObjectcopy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Deleter >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, PolymorphicObject > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &&other)
 Moves another object into this object. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Deleter >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, PolymorphicObject > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectcopy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectmove_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
 Moves another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectclear ()
 Transforms the object into its default state. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Executorget_executor () const noexcept
 Returns the Executor of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >
void add_logger (std::shared_ptr< const Logger > logger) override
void remove_logger (const Logger *logger) override
void remove_logger (ptr_param< const Logger > logger)
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Logger > > & get_loggers () const override
void clear_loggers () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::log::Loggable
void remove_logger (ptr_param< const Logger > logger)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Fft3 >
void convert_to (result_type *result) const override
 Converts the implementer to an object of type result_type. More...
void move_to (result_type *result) override
 Converts the implementer to an object of type result_type by moving data from this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::ConvertibleTo< Fft3 >
void convert_to (ptr_param< result_type > result) const
void move_to (ptr_param< result_type > result)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::unique_ptr< Fft3create (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec)
 Creates an empty Fourier matrix. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Fft3create (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size)
 Creates an Fourier matrix with the given dimensions. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Fft3create (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size1, size_type size2, size_type size3, bool inverse=false)
 Creates an Fourier matrix with the given dimensions. More...


class EnablePolymorphicObject< Fft3, LinOp >

Detailed Description

This LinOp implements a 3D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm.

For indexing purposes, the first dimension is the major axis.

It implements complex-to-complex forward and inverse FFT.

For a power-of-two sizes $n_1, n_2, n_3$ with corresponding root of unity $\omega = e^{-2\pi i / (n_1 n_2 n_3)}$ for forward DFT and $\omega = e^{2 \pi i / (n_1 n_2 n_3)}$ for inverse DFT it computes

\[ x_{k_1 n_2 n_3 + k_2 n_3 + k_3} = \sum_{i_1=0}^{n_1-1} \sum_{i_2=0}^{n_2-1} \sum_{i_3=0}^{n_3-1} \omega^{i_1 k_1 + i_2 k_2 + i_3 k_3} b_{i_1 n_2 n_3 + i_2 n_3 + i_3} \]

without normalization factors.

The Reference and OpenMP implementations support only power-of-two input sizes, as they use the Radix-2 algorithm by J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey, "An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series," Mathematics of Computation, vol. 19, no. 90, pp. 297–301, 1965, doi: 10.2307/2003354. The CUDA and HIP implementations use cuSPARSE/hipSPARSE with full support for non-power-of-two input sizes and special optimizations for products of small prime powers.

Member Function Documentation

◆ conj_transpose()

std::unique_ptr<LinOp> gko::matrix::Fft3::conj_transpose ( ) const

Returns a LinOp representing the conjugate transpose of the Transposable object.

a pointer to the new conjugate transposed object

Implements gko::Transposable.

◆ create() [1/3]

static std::unique_ptr<Fft3> gko::matrix::Fft3::create ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec)

Creates an empty Fourier matrix.

execExecutor associated to the matrix
A smart pointer to the newly created matrix.

◆ create() [2/3]

static std::unique_ptr<Fft3> gko::matrix::Fft3::create ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size 

Creates an Fourier matrix with the given dimensions.

sizesize of all FFT dimensions
A smart pointer to the newly created matrix.

◆ create() [3/3]

static std::unique_ptr<Fft3> gko::matrix::Fft3::create ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size1,
size_type  size2,
size_type  size3,
bool  inverse = false 

Creates an Fourier matrix with the given dimensions.

size1size of the first FFT dimension
size2size of the second FFT dimension
size3size of the third FFT dimension
inversetrue to compute an inverse DFT instead of a normal DFT
A smart pointer to the newly created matrix.

◆ transpose()

std::unique_ptr<LinOp> gko::matrix::Fft3::transpose ( ) const

Returns a LinOp representing the transpose of the Transposable object.

a pointer to the new transposed object

Implements gko::Transposable.

◆ write() [1/4]

void gko::matrix::Fft3::write ( matrix_data< std::complex< double >, int32 > &  data) const

Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure.

datathe matrix_data structure

Implements gko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< double >, int32 >.

◆ write() [2/4]

void gko::matrix::Fft3::write ( matrix_data< std::complex< double >, int64 > &  data) const

Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure.

datathe matrix_data structure

Implements gko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< double >, int64 >.

◆ write() [3/4]

void gko::matrix::Fft3::write ( matrix_data< std::complex< float >, int32 > &  data) const

Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure.

datathe matrix_data structure

Implements gko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< float >, int32 >.

◆ write() [4/4]

void gko::matrix::Fft3::write ( matrix_data< std::complex< float >, int64 > &  data) const

Writes a matrix to a matrix_data structure.

datathe matrix_data structure

Implements gko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< float >, int64 >.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: