Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1706354773 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Namespaces | Classes

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Solvers in Ginkgo. More...

Collaboration diagram for Solvers:


 The ginkgo Solve namespace.


class  gko::batch::solver::Bicgstab< ValueType >
 BiCGSTAB or the Bi-Conjugate Gradient-Stabilized is a Krylov subspace solver. More...
class  gko::batch::solver::Cg< ValueType >
 Cg or the Conjugate Gradient is a Krylov subspace solver. More...
class  gko::batch::solver::BatchSolver
 The BatchSolver is a base class for all batched solvers and provides the common getters and setter for these batched solver classes. More...
class  gko::solver::Bicg< ValueType >
 BICG or the Biconjugate gradient method is a Krylov subspace solver. More...
class  gko::solver::Bicgstab< ValueType >
 BiCGSTAB or the Bi-Conjugate Gradient-Stabilized is a Krylov subspace solver. More...
class  gko::solver::CbGmres< ValueType >
 CB-GMRES or the compressed basis generalized minimal residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems. More...
class  gko::solver::Cg< ValueType >
 CG or the conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for symmetric positive definite methods. More...
class  gko::solver::Cgs< ValueType >
 CGS or the conjugate gradient square method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for general systems. More...
class  gko::solver::Fcg< ValueType >
 FCG or the flexible conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for symmetric positive definite methods. More...
class  gko::solver::Gcr< ValueType >
 GCR or the generalized conjugate residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method similar to GMRES which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems. More...
class  gko::solver::Gmres< ValueType >
 GMRES or the generalized minimal residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems. More...
class  gko::solver::Idr< ValueType >
 IDR(s) is an efficient method for solving large nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. More...
class  gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >
 Iterative refinement (IR) is an iterative method that uses another coarse method to approximate the error of the current solution via the current residual. More...
class  gko::solver::Minres< ValueType >
 Minres is an iterative type Krylov subspace method, which is suitable for indefinite and full-rank symmetric/hermitian operators. More...
class  gko::solver::Multigrid
 Multigrid methods have a hierarchy of many levels, whose corase level is a subset of the fine level, of the problem. More...
class  gko::solver::LowerTrs< ValueType, IndexType >
 LowerTrs is the triangular solver which solves the system L x = b, when L is a lower triangular matrix. More...
class  gko::solver::UpperTrs< ValueType, IndexType >
 UpperTrs is the triangular solver which solves the system U x = b, when U is an upper triangular matrix. More...

Detailed Description

A module dedicated to the implementation and usage of the Solvers in Ginkgo.