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gko::solver::Ir< ValueType > Class Template Reference

Iterative refinement (IR) is an iterative method that uses another coarse method to approximate the error of the current solution via the current residual. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/solver/ir.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >:
Collaboration diagram for gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >:


class  Factory
struct  parameters_type

Public Types

using value_type = ValueType
using transposed_type = Ir< ValueType >
- Public Types inherited from gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Ir< ValueType > >
using result_type = Ir< ValueType >
- Public Types inherited from gko::ConvertibleTo< Ir< ValueType > >
using result_type = Ir< ValueType >

Public Member Functions

std::unique_ptr< LinOptranspose () const override
 Returns a LinOp representing the transpose of the Transposable object. More...
std::unique_ptr< LinOpconj_transpose () const override
 Returns a LinOp representing the conjugate transpose of the Transposable object. More...
bool apply_uses_initial_guess () const override
 Return true as iterative solvers use the data in x as an initial guess. More...
std::shared_ptr< const LinOpget_solver () const
 Returns the solver operator used as the inner solver. More...
void set_solver (std::shared_ptr< const LinOp > new_solver)
 Sets the solver operator used as the inner solver. More...
Iroperator= (const Ir &)
 Copy-assigns an IR solver. More...
Iroperator= (Ir &&)
 Move-assigns an IR solver. More...
 Ir (const Ir &)
 Copy-constructs an IR solver. More...
 Ir (Ir &&)
 Move-constructs an IR solver. More...
const parameters_typeget_parameters () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableLinOp< Ir< ValueType > >
const Ir< ValueType > * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
Ir< ValueType > * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
const Ir< ValueType > * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
Ir< ValueType > * apply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< Ir< ValueType >, LinOp >
std::unique_ptr< Ir< ValueType > > create_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< Ir< ValueType > > create_default () const
std::unique_ptr< Ir< ValueType > > clone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< Ir< ValueType > > clone () const
Ir< ValueType > * copy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, Ir< ValueType > > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived > &&other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, Ir< ValueType > > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived > &other)
Ir< ValueType > * copy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
Ir< ValueType > * move_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
Ir< ValueType > * clear ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::LinOp
LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
 Applies a linear operator to a vector (or a sequence of vectors). More...
const LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x)
 Performs the operation x = alpha * op(b) + beta * x. More...
const LinOpapply (ptr_param< const LinOp > alpha, ptr_param< const LinOp > b, ptr_param< const LinOp > beta, ptr_param< LinOp > x) const
const dim< 2 > & get_size () const noexcept
 Returns the size of the operator. More...
LinOpoperator= (const LinOp &)=default
 Copy-assigns a LinOp. More...
LinOpoperator= (LinOp &&other)
 Move-assigns a LinOp. More...
 LinOp (const LinOp &)=default
 Copy-constructs a LinOp. More...
 LinOp (LinOp &&other)
 Move-constructs a LinOp. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnableAbstractPolymorphicObject< LinOp >
std::unique_ptr< LinOpcreate_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpcreate_default () const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpclone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
std::unique_ptr< LinOpclone () const
LinOpcopy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, LinOp > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived > &&other)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, LinOp > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived > &other)
LinOpcopy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
LinOpmove_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
LinOpclear ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::PolymorphicObject
PolymorphicObjectoperator= (const PolymorphicObject &)
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectcreate_default (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
 Creates a new "default" object of the same dynamic type as this object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectcreate_default () const
 Creates a new "default" object of the same dynamic type as this object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectclone (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) const
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
std::unique_ptr< PolymorphicObjectclone () const
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
PolymorphicObjectcopy_from (const PolymorphicObject *other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Deleter >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, PolymorphicObject > * copy_from (std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &&other)
 Moves another object into this object. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Deleter >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< PolymorphicObject, std::decay_t< Derived > >::value, PolymorphicObject > * copy_from (const std::unique_ptr< Derived, Deleter > &other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectcopy_from (const std::shared_ptr< const PolymorphicObject > &other)
 Copies another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectmove_from (ptr_param< PolymorphicObject > other)
 Moves another object into this object. More...
PolymorphicObjectclear ()
 Transforms the object into its default state. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Executorget_executor () const noexcept
 Returns the Executor of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::log::EnableLogging< PolymorphicObject >
void add_logger (std::shared_ptr< const Logger > logger) override
void remove_logger (const Logger *logger) override
void remove_logger (ptr_param< const Logger > logger)
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Logger > > & get_loggers () const override
void clear_loggers () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::log::Loggable
void remove_logger (ptr_param< const Logger > logger)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::EnablePolymorphicAssignment< Ir< ValueType > >
void convert_to (result_type *result) const override
 Converts the implementer to an object of type result_type. More...
void move_to (result_type *result) override
 Converts the implementer to an object of type result_type by moving data from this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::ConvertibleTo< Ir< ValueType > >
void convert_to (ptr_param< result_type > result) const
void move_to (ptr_param< result_type > result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::solver::EnableSolverBase< Ir< ValueType > >
EnableSolverBaseoperator= (const EnableSolverBase &other)
 Creates a shallow copy of the provided system matrix, clones it onto this executor if executors don't match.
EnableSolverBaseoperator= (EnableSolverBase &&other)
 Moves the provided system matrix, clones it onto this executor if executors don't match. More...
 EnableSolverBase (std::shared_ptr< const LinOp > system_matrix)
 EnableSolverBase (const EnableSolverBase &other)
 Creates a shallow copy of the provided system matrix.
 EnableSolverBase (EnableSolverBase &&other)
 Moves the provided system matrix. More...
int get_num_workspace_ops () const override
std::vector< std::string > get_workspace_op_names () const override
std::vector< int > get_workspace_scalars () const override
 Returns the IDs of all scalars (workspace vectors with system dimension-independent size, usually 1 x num_rhs).
std::vector< int > get_workspace_vectors () const override
 Returns the IDs of all vectors (workspace vectors with system dimension-dependent size, usually system_matrix_size x num_rhs).
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::solver::SolverBase< LinOp >
std::shared_ptr< const LinOpget_system_matrix () const
 Returns the system matrix, with its concrete type, used by the solver. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::solver::EnableIterativeBase< Ir< ValueType > >
EnableIterativeBaseoperator= (const EnableIterativeBase &other)
 Creates a shallow copy of the provided stopping criterion, clones it onto this executor if executors don't match.
EnableIterativeBaseoperator= (EnableIterativeBase &&other)
 Moves the provided stopping criterion, clones it onto this executor if executors don't match. More...
 EnableIterativeBase (std::shared_ptr< const stop::CriterionFactory > stop_factory)
 EnableIterativeBase (const EnableIterativeBase &other)
 Creates a shallow copy of the provided stopping criterion.
 EnableIterativeBase (EnableIterativeBase &&other)
 Moves the provided stopping criterion. More...
void set_stop_criterion_factory (std::shared_ptr< const stop::CriterionFactory > new_stop_factory) override
 Sets the stopping criterion of the solver. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gko::solver::IterativeBase
std::shared_ptr< const stop::CriterionFactoryget_stop_criterion_factory () const
 Gets the stopping criterion factory of the solver. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static auto build () -> decltype(Factory ::create())
static parameters_type parse (const config::pnode &config, const config::registry &context, const config::type_descriptor &td_for_child=config::make_type_descriptor< ValueType >())
 Create the parameters from the property_tree. More...


class EnableLinOp< Ir >
class EnablePolymorphicObject< Ir, LinOp >
class EnableApplyWithInitialGuess< Ir >

Detailed Description

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
class gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >

Iterative refinement (IR) is an iterative method that uses another coarse method to approximate the error of the current solution via the current residual.

Moreover, it can be also considered as preconditioned Richardson iteration with relaxation factor = 1.

For any approximation of the solution solution to the system Ax = b, the residual is defined as: residual = b - A solution. The error in solution, e = x - solution (with x being the exact solution) can be obtained as the solution to the residual equation Ae = residual, since A e = Ax - A solution = b - A solution = residual. Then, the real solution is computed as x = relaxation_factor * solution + e. Instead of accurately solving the residual equation Ae = residual, the solution of the system e can be approximated to obtain the approximation error using a coarse method solver, which is used to update solution, and the entire process is repeated with the updated solution. This yields the iterative refinement method:

solution = initial_guess
while not converged:
residual = b - A solution
error = solver(A, residual)
solution = solution + relaxation_factor * error

With relaxation_factor equal to 1 (default), the solver is Iterative Refinement, with relaxation_factor equal to a value other than 1, the solver is a Richardson iteration, with possibility for additional preconditioning.

Assuming that solver has accuracy c, i.e., | e - error | <= c | e |, iterative refinement will converge with a convergence rate of c. Indeed, from e - error = x - solution - error = x - solution* (where solution* denotes the value stored in solution after the update) and e = inv(A) residual = inv(A)b - inv(A) A solution = x - solution it follows that | x - solution* | <= c | x - solution |.

Unless otherwise specified via the solver factory parameter, this implementation uses the identity operator (i.e. the solver that approximates the solution of a system Ax = b by setting x := b) as the default inner solver. Such a setting results in a relaxation method known as the Richardson iteration with parameter 1, which is guaranteed to converge for matrices whose spectrum is strictly contained within the unit disc around 1 (i.e., all its eigenvalues lambda have to satisfy the equation `|relaxation_factor * lambda - 1| < 1).

Template Parameters
ValueTypeprecision of matrix elements

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Ir() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::Ir ( const Ir< ValueType > &  )

Copy-constructs an IR solver.

Inherits the executor, shallow-copies inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix.

◆ Ir() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::Ir ( Ir< ValueType > &&  )

Move-constructs an IR solver.

Preserves the executor, moves inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix. The moved-from object is empty (0x0 and nullptr inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix)

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply_uses_initial_guess()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
bool gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::apply_uses_initial_guess ( ) const

Return true as iterative solvers use the data in x as an initial guess.

true as iterative solvers use the data in x as an initial guess.

Reimplemented from gko::LinOp.

References gko::solver::provided.

◆ conj_transpose()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
std::unique_ptr<LinOp> gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::conj_transpose ( ) const

Returns a LinOp representing the conjugate transpose of the Transposable object.

a pointer to the new conjugate transposed object

Implements gko::Transposable.

◆ get_solver()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
std::shared_ptr<const LinOp> gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::get_solver ( ) const

Returns the solver operator used as the inner solver.

the solver operator used as the inner solver

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
Ir& gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::operator= ( const Ir< ValueType > &  )

Copy-assigns an IR solver.

Preserves the executor, shallow-copies inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix. If the executors mismatch, clones inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix onto this executor.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
Ir& gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::operator= ( Ir< ValueType > &&  )

Move-assigns an IR solver.

Preserves the executor, moves inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix. If the executors mismatch, clones inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix onto this executor. The moved-from object is empty (0x0 and nullptr inner solver, stopping criterion and system matrix)

◆ parse()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
static parameters_type gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::parse ( const config::pnode config,
const config::registry context,
const config::type_descriptor td_for_child = config::make_type_descriptor< ValueType >() 

Create the parameters from the property_tree.

Because this is directly tied to the specific type, the value/index type settings within config are ignored and type_descriptor is only used for children configs.

configthe property tree for setting
contextthe registry
td_for_childthe type descriptor for children configs. The default uses the value type of this class.

◆ set_solver()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
void gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::set_solver ( std::shared_ptr< const LinOp new_solver)

Sets the solver operator used as the inner solver.

new_solverthe new inner solver

◆ transpose()

template<typename ValueType = default_precision>
std::unique_ptr<LinOp> gko::solver::Ir< ValueType >::transpose ( ) const

Returns a LinOp representing the transpose of the Transposable object.

a pointer to the new transposed object

Implements gko::Transposable.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Solver events.