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A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
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gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType > Struct Template Reference

This class defines mappings between global and local indices. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/distributed/index_map.hpp>

Public Types

using partition_type = Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >

Public Member Functions

array< LocalIndexType > map_to_local (const array< GlobalIndexType > &global_ids, index_space index_space_v) const
 Maps global indices to local indices. More...
size_type get_global_size () const
 get size of index_space::local
size_type get_local_size () const
 get size of index_space::local
size_type get_non_local_size () const
 get size of index_space::non_local
 index_map (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, std::shared_ptr< const partition_type > partition, comm_index_type rank, const array< GlobalIndexType > &recv_connections)
 Creates a new index map. More...
 index_map (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec)
 Creates an empty index map.
const segmented_array< GlobalIndexType > & get_remote_global_idxs () const
 get the index set $R_k$ for this rank. More...
const segmented_array< LocalIndexType > & get_remote_local_idxs () const
 get the index set $R_k$, but mapped to their respective local index space. More...
const array< comm_index_type > & get_remote_target_ids () const
 get the rank ids which contain indices accessed by this rank. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Executorget_executor () const
 get the associated executor.
 index_map (const index_map &other)
 index_map (index_map &&other) noexcept
index_mapoperator= (const index_map &other)
index_mapoperator= (index_map &&other)

Detailed Description

template<typename LocalIndexType, typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
struct gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >

This class defines mappings between global and local indices.

Given an index space $I = [0, \dots, N)$ that is partitioned into $P$ disjoint subsets $I_k, k = 1, \dots, P$, this class defines for each subset an extended global index set $\hat{I}_k \supset I_K$. The extended index set contains the global indices owned by part $k$, as well as remote indices $R_k = \hat{I}_k \setminus I_k$, which are also accessed by part $k$, but owned by parts $l \neq k$. At the core, this class provides mappings from the global index space $I$ into different local index spaces. The combined local index space (index_space::combined) is then defined as $[0, \dots, |\hat{I}_k|)$. Additionally, the combined index space can be separated into locally owned (index_space::local) and non-locally owned (index_space::non_local). The locally owned indices are defined as $[0, \dots, |I_k|)$, and the non-locally owned as $[0, \dots, |R_k|)$. With these index sets, the following mappings are defined:

The required map can be selected by passing the appropriate type of an index_space.

The index map for $I_k$ has no knowledge about any other index maps for $I_l, l \neq k$. In particular, any global index passed to the map_to_local map that is not part of the specified index space, will be mapped to an invalid_index.

Template Parameters
LocalIndexTypetype for local indices
GlobalIndexTypetype for global indices

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ index_map()

template<typename LocalIndexType , typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::index_map ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
std::shared_ptr< const partition_type partition,
comm_index_type  rank,
const array< GlobalIndexType > &  recv_connections 

Creates a new index map.

The passed in recv_connections may contain duplicates, which will be filtered out.

execthe executor
partitionthe partition of the global index set
rankthe id of the global index space subset
recv_connectionsthe global indices that are not owned by this rank, but accessed by it

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_remote_global_idxs()

template<typename LocalIndexType , typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
const segmented_array<GlobalIndexType>& gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_remote_global_idxs ( ) const

get the index set $R_k$ for this rank.

The indices are ordered by their owning rank and global index.

◆ get_remote_local_idxs()

template<typename LocalIndexType , typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
const segmented_array<LocalIndexType>& gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_remote_local_idxs ( ) const

get the index set $R_k$, but mapped to their respective local index space.

The indices are grouped by their owning rank and sorted according to their global index within each group.

The set $R_k = \hat{I}_k \setminus I_k$ can also be written as the union of the intersection of $\hat{I}_k$ with other disjoint sets $I_l, l \neq k$, i.e. $R_k = \bigcup_{j \neq k} \hat{I}_k \cap I_j = \bigcup_{j \neq k} R_{k,j}$. The set $R_{k,j}$ can then be mapped by $l_j$ to get the local indices wrt. part $j$. The indices here are mapped by $l_j$.

◆ get_remote_target_ids()

template<typename LocalIndexType , typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
const array<comm_index_type>& gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_remote_target_ids ( ) const

get the rank ids which contain indices accessed by this rank.

The order matches the order of the sets in get_remote_global_idxs and get_remote_local_idxs.

◆ map_to_local()

template<typename LocalIndexType , typename GlobalIndexType = int64>
array<LocalIndexType> gko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::map_to_local ( const array< GlobalIndexType > &  global_ids,
index_space  index_space_v 
) const

Maps global indices to local indices.

global_idsthe global indices to map
index_space_vthe index space in which the returned local indices are defined
the mapped local indices. Any global index that is not in the specified index space is mapped to invalid_index.

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