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gko::array< ValueType > Class Template Reference

An array is a container which encapsulates fixed-sized arrays, stored on the Executor tied to the array. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/base/array.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gko::array< ValueType >:

Public Types

using value_type = ValueType
 The type of elements stored in the array.
using default_deleter = executor_deleter< value_type[]>
 The default deleter type used by array.
using view_deleter = null_deleter< value_type[]>
 The deleter type used for views.

Public Member Functions

 array () noexcept
 Creates an empty array not tied to any executor. More...
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) noexcept
 Creates an empty array tied to the specified Executor. More...
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size)
 Creates an array on the specified Executor. More...
template<typename DeleterType >
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size, value_type *data, DeleterType deleter)
 Creates an array from existing memory. More...
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size, value_type *data)
 Creates an array from existing memory. More...
template<typename RandomAccessIterator >
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end)
 Creates an array on the specified Executor and initializes it with values. More...
template<typename T >
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, std::initializer_list< T > init_list)
 Creates an array on the specified Executor and initializes it with values. More...
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const array &other)
 Creates a copy of another array on a different executor. More...
 array (const array &other)
 Creates a copy of another array. More...
 array (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, array &&other)
 Moves another array to a different executor. More...
 array (array &&other)
 Moves another array. More...
array< ValueType > as_view ()
 Returns a non-owning view of the memory owned by this array. More...
detail::const_array_view< ValueType > as_const_view () const
 Returns a non-owning constant view of the memory owned by this array. More...
arrayoperator= (const array &other)
 Copies data from another array or view. More...
arrayoperator= (array &&other)
 Moves data from another array or view. More...
template<typename OtherValueType >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< ValueType, OtherValueType >::value, array > & operator= (const array< OtherValueType > &other)
 Copies and converts data from another array with another data type. More...
arrayoperator= (const detail::const_array_view< ValueType > &other)
 Copies data from a const_array_view. More...
void clear () noexcept
 Deallocates all data used by the array. More...
void resize_and_reset (size_type size)
 Resizes the array so it is able to hold the specified number of elements. More...
void fill (const value_type value)
 Fill the array with the given value. More...
size_type get_size () const noexcept
 Returns the number of elements in the array. More...
size_type get_num_elems () const noexcept
 Returns the number of elements in the array. More...
value_typeget_data () noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array. More...
const value_typeget_const_data () const noexcept
 Returns a constant pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Executorget_executor () const noexcept
 Returns the Executor associated with the array. More...
void set_executor (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec)
 Changes the Executor of the array, moving the allocated data to the new Executor. More...
bool is_owning ()
 Tells whether this array owns its data or not. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static array view (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size, value_type *data)
 Creates an array from existing memory. More...
static detail::const_array_view< ValueType > const_view (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, size_type size, const value_type *data)
 Creates a constant (immutable) array from existing memory. More...


template<typename OtherValueType >
class array

Detailed Description

template<typename ValueType>
class gko::array< ValueType >

An array is a container which encapsulates fixed-sized arrays, stored on the Executor tied to the array.

The array stores and transfers its data as raw memory, which means that the constructors of its elements are not called when constructing, copying or moving the array. Thus, the array class is most suitable for storing POD types.

Template Parameters
ValueTypethe type of elements stored in the array

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ array() [1/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( )

Creates an empty array not tied to any executor.

An array without an assigned executor can only be empty. Attempts to change its size (e.g. via the resize_and_reset method) will result in an exception. If such an array is used as the right hand side of an assignment or move assignment expression, the data of the target array will be cleared, but its executor will not be modified.

The executor can later be set by using the set_executor method. If an array with no assigned executor is assigned or moved to, it will inherit the executor of the source array.

◆ array() [2/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec)

Creates an empty array tied to the specified Executor.

execthe Executor where the array data is allocated

◆ array() [3/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size 

Creates an array on the specified Executor.

execthe Executor where the array data will be allocated
sizethe amount of memory (expressed as the number of value_type elements) allocated on the Executor

◆ array() [4/11]

template<typename ValueType>
template<typename DeleterType >
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size,
value_type data,
DeleterType  deleter 

Creates an array from existing memory.

The memory will be managed by the array, and deallocated using the specified deleter (e.g. use std::default_delete for data allocated with new).

Template Parameters
DeleterTypetype of the deleter
execexecutor where data is located
sizenumber of elements in data
datachunk of memory used to create the array
deleterthe deleter used to free the memory
See also
array::view() to create an array that does not deallocate memory
array(std::shared_ptr<cont Executor>, size_type, value_type*) to deallocate the memory using Executor::free() method

◆ array() [5/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size,
value_type data 

Creates an array from existing memory.

The memory will be managed by the array, and deallocated using the Executor::free method.

execexecutor where data is located
sizenumber of elements in data
datachunk of memory used to create the array

◆ array() [6/11]

template<typename ValueType>
template<typename RandomAccessIterator >
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
RandomAccessIterator  begin,
RandomAccessIterator  end 

Creates an array on the specified Executor and initializes it with values.

Template Parameters
RandomAccessIteratortype of the iterators
execthe Executor where the array data will be allocated
beginstart of range of values
endend of range of values

◆ array() [7/11]

template<typename ValueType>
template<typename T >
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
std::initializer_list< T >  init_list 

Creates an array on the specified Executor and initializes it with values.

Template Parameters
Ttype of values used to initialize the array (T has to be implicitly convertible to value_type)
execthe Executor where the array data will be allocated
init_listlist of values used to initialize the array

◆ array() [8/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
const array< ValueType > &  other 

Creates a copy of another array on a different executor.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

execthe executor where the new array will be created
otherthe array to copy from

◆ array() [9/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( const array< ValueType > &  other)

Creates a copy of another array.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

otherthe array to copy from

◆ array() [10/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
array< ValueType > &&  other 

Moves another array to a different executor.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

execthe executor where the new array will be moved
otherthe array to move

◆ array() [11/11]

template<typename ValueType>
gko::array< ValueType >::array ( array< ValueType > &&  other)

Moves another array.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

otherthe array to move

Member Function Documentation

◆ as_const_view()

template<typename ValueType>
detail::const_array_view<ValueType> gko::array< ValueType >::as_const_view ( ) const

Returns a non-owning constant view of the memory owned by this array.

It can only be used until this array gets deleted, cleared or resized.

◆ as_view()

template<typename ValueType>
array<ValueType> gko::array< ValueType >::as_view ( )

Returns a non-owning view of the memory owned by this array.

It can only be used until this array gets deleted, cleared or resized.

◆ clear()

template<typename ValueType>
void gko::array< ValueType >::clear ( )

Deallocates all data used by the array.

The array is left in a valid, but empty state, so the same array can be used to allocate new memory. Calls to array::get_data() will return a nullptr.

Referenced by gko::index_set< IndexType >::clear(), and gko::array< index_type >::operator=().

◆ const_view()

template<typename ValueType>
static detail::const_array_view<ValueType> gko::array< ValueType >::const_view ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size,
const value_type data 

Creates a constant (immutable) array from existing memory.

The array does not take ownership of the memory, and will not deallocate it once it goes out of scope. This array type cannot use the function resize_and_reset since it does not own the data it should resize.

execexecutor where data is located
sizenumber of elements in data
datachunk of memory used to create the array
an array constructed from data

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::as_const_view().

◆ fill()

template<typename ValueType>
void gko::array< ValueType >::fill ( const value_type  value)

Fill the array with the given value.

valuethe value to be filled

◆ get_const_data()

template<typename ValueType>
const value_type* gko::array< ValueType >::get_const_data ( ) const

Returns a constant pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array.

a constant pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::as_const_view(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::at(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::at(), gko::matrix::Dense< value_type >::at(), gko::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_blocks(), gko::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_conditioning(), gko::multigrid::Pgm< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_agg(), gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_block_pointers(), gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_blocks(), gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_blocks_cumulative_offsets(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_col_idxs_for_item(), gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_map_block_to_row(), gko::matrix::ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_permutation(), gko::matrix::Permutation< IndexType >::get_const_permutation(), gko::matrix::RowGatherer< IndexType >::get_const_row_idxs(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_idxs(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_idxs(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_ptrs(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_scaling_factors(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_slice_lengths(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_slice_sets(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_srow(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_value(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Diagonal< ValueType >::get_const_values(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::get_const_values(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Dense< value_type >::get_const_values(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::get_const_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::get_const_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values_for_item(), gko::experimental::distributed::Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_part_ids(), gko::experimental::distributed::Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_part_sizes(), gko::experimental::distributed::Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_range_bounds(), gko::experimental::distributed::Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_range_starting_indices(), gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_subsets_begin(), gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_subsets_end(), gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_superset_indices(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::classical::process(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::load_balance::process(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::automatical::process(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::val_at(), and gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::val_at().

◆ get_data()

template<typename ValueType>
value_type* gko::array< ValueType >::get_data ( )

Returns a pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array.

a pointer to the block of memory used to store the elements of the array

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::as_view(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::at(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::at(), gko::matrix::Dense< value_type >::at(), gko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType >::imbalance_limit::compute_ell_num_stored_elements_per_row(), gko::multigrid::Pgm< ValueType, IndexType >::get_agg(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_col_idxs_for_item(), gko::matrix::ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType >::get_permutation(), gko::matrix::Permutation< IndexType >::get_permutation(), gko::matrix::RowGatherer< IndexType >::get_row_idxs(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_idxs(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_idxs(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_ptrs(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_row_ptrs(), gko::matrix::ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType >::get_scaling_factors(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_slice_lengths(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_slice_sets(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_srow(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_value(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Diagonal< ValueType >::get_values(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::get_values(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Dense< value_type >::get_values(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::get_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::get_values_for_item(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values_for_item(), gko::array< index_type >::operator=(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::load_balance::process(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::val_at(), and gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::val_at().

◆ get_executor()

template<typename ValueType>
std::shared_ptr<const Executor> gko::array< ValueType >::get_executor ( ) const

◆ get_num_elems()

template<typename ValueType>
size_type gko::array< ValueType >::get_num_elems ( ) const

Returns the number of elements in the array.

the number of elements in the array

◆ get_size()

template<typename ValueType>
size_type gko::array< ValueType >::get_size ( ) const

Returns the number of elements in the array.

the number of elements in the array

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::as_const_view(), gko::array< index_type >::as_view(), gko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType >::imbalance_limit::compute_ell_num_stored_elements_per_row(), gko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType >::imbalance_bounded_limit::compute_ell_num_stored_elements_per_row(), gko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType >::strategy_type::compute_hybrid_config(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_const_values_for_item(), gko::matrix::SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_nonzeros(), gko::experimental::distributed::Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >::get_num_ranges(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_srow_elements(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_blocks(), gko::batch::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::batch::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Ell< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Coo< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::batch::MultiVector< ValueType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::batch::matrix::Dense< ValueType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::preconditioner::Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Dense< value_type >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_num_stored_elements(), gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_num_subsets(), gko::matrix::Sellp< ValueType, IndexType >::get_total_cols(), gko::batch::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::get_values_for_item(), gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set(), gko::array< index_type >::operator=(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::classical::process(), gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::load_balance::process(), and gko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::automatical::process().

◆ is_owning()

template<typename ValueType>
bool gko::array< ValueType >::is_owning ( )

Tells whether this array owns its data or not.

Views do not own their data and this has multiple implications. They cannot be resized since the data is not owned by the array which stores a view. It is also unclear whether custom deleter types are owning types as they could be a user-created view-type, therefore only proper array which use the default_deleter are considered owning types.

whether this array can be resized or not.

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::operator=().

◆ operator=() [1/4]

template<typename ValueType>
array& gko::array< ValueType >::operator= ( array< ValueType > &&  other)

Moves data from another array or view.

Only the pointer and deleter type change, a copy only happens when targeting another executor's data. This means that in the following situation:

gko::array<int> a; // an existing array or view
gko::array<int> b; // an existing array or view
b = std::move(a);

Depending on whether a and b are array or view, this happens:

  • a and b are views, b becomes the only valid view of a;
  • a and b are arrays, b becomes the only valid array of a;
  • a is a view and b is an array, b frees its data and becomes the only valid view of a ();
  • a is an array and b is a view, b becomes the only valid array of a.

In all the previous cases, a becomes empty (e.g., a nullptr).

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe array to move data from

◆ operator=() [2/4]

template<typename ValueType>
array& gko::array< ValueType >::operator= ( const array< ValueType > &  other)

Copies data from another array or view.

In the case of an array target, the array is resized to match the source's size. In the case of a view target, if the dimensions are not compatible a gko::OutOfBoundsError is thrown.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe array to copy from

◆ operator=() [3/4]

template<typename ValueType>
template<typename OtherValueType >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<ValueType, OtherValueType>::value, array>& gko::array< ValueType >::operator= ( const array< OtherValueType > &  other)

Copies and converts data from another array with another data type.

In the case of an array target, the array is resized to match the source's size. In the case of a view target, if the dimensions are not compatible a gko::OutOfBoundsError is thrown.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe array to copy from
Template Parameters
OtherValueTypethe value type of other

◆ operator=() [4/4]

template<typename ValueType>
array& gko::array< ValueType >::operator= ( const detail::const_array_view< ValueType > &  other)

Copies data from a const_array_view.

In the case of an array target, the array is resized to match the source's size. In the case of a view target, if the dimensions are not compatible a gko::OutOfBoundsError is thrown.

This does not invoke the constructors of the elements, instead they are copied as POD types.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe const_array_view to copy from

◆ resize_and_reset()

template<typename ValueType>
void gko::array< ValueType >::resize_and_reset ( size_type  size)

Resizes the array so it is able to hold the specified number of elements.

For a view and other non-owning array types, this throws an exception since these types cannot be resized.

All data stored in the array will be lost.

If the array is not assigned an executor, an exception will be thrown.

sizethe amount of memory (expressed as the number of value_type elements) allocated on the Executor

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::operator=().

◆ set_executor()

template<typename ValueType>
void gko::array< ValueType >::set_executor ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec)

Changes the Executor of the array, moving the allocated data to the new Executor.

execthe Executor where the data will be moved to

◆ view()

template<typename ValueType>
static array gko::array< ValueType >::view ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
size_type  size,
value_type data 

Creates an array from existing memory.

The array does not take ownership of the memory, and will not deallocate it once it goes out of scope. This array type cannot use the function resize_and_reset since it does not own the data it should resize.

execexecutor where data is located
sizenumber of elements in data
datachunk of memory used to create the array
an array constructed from data

Referenced by gko::array< index_type >::as_view().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
An array is a container which encapsulates fixed-sized arrays, stored on the Executor tied to the arr...
Definition: array.hpp:26