Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1680925034 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
gko::solver::has_with_criteria< SolverType, typename > Struct Template Reference

Helper structure to test if the Factory of SolverType has a function with_criteria. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/solver/solver_traits.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gko::solver::has_with_criteria< SolverType, typename >:
Collaboration diagram for gko::solver::has_with_criteria< SolverType, typename >:

Detailed Description

template<typename SolverType, typename = void>
struct gko::solver::has_with_criteria< SolverType, typename >

Helper structure to test if the Factory of SolverType has a function with_criteria.

Contains a constexpr boolean value, which is true if the Factory class of SolverType has a with_criteria, and false otherwise.

Template Parameters
SolverTypeSolver to test if its factory has a with_criteria function.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: