Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1330831941 branch based on master. Ginkgo version 1.8.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
The kokkos-assembly program

The Kokkos assembly example..

This example depends on simple-solver, poisson-solver, three-pt-stencil-solver, .

Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. The commented program
  1. Results
  2. The plain program


This example solves a 1D Poisson equation:

\[ u : [0, 1] \rightarrow R\\ u'' = f\\ u(0) = u0\\ u(1) = u1 \]

using a finite difference method on an equidistant grid with K discretization points (K can be controlled with a command line parameter).

The resulting CSR matrix is assembled using Kokkos kernels. This example show how to use Ginkgo data with Kokkos kernels.


If this example is built as part of Ginkgo, it is advised to configure Ginkgo with -DGINKGO_WITH_CCACHE=OFF to prevent incompabilities with Kokkos' compiler wrapper for nvcc.

The commented program

* of arrays.
* @tparam ValueType_c The value type of the matrix elements, might have
* other cv qualifiers than ValueType
* @tparam IndexType_c The index type of the matrix elements, might have
* other cv qualifiers than IndexType
* /
template <typename ValueType_c, typename IndexType_c>
struct type {
using index_array = typename index_mapper::template type<IndexType_c>;
using value_array = typename value_mapper::template type<ValueType_c>;
/ **
* Constructor based on size and raw pointers
* @param size The number of stored elements
* @param row_idxs Pointer to the row indices
* @param col_idxs Pointer to the column indices
* @param values Pointer to the values
* @return An object which has each gko::array of the
* device_matrix_data mapped to a Kokkos view
* /
static type map(size_type size, IndexType_c* row_idxs,
IndexType_c* col_idxs, ValueType_c* values)
return {index_mapper::map(row_idxs, size),
index_mapper::map(col_idxs, size),
value_mapper::map(values, size)};
index_array row_idxs;
index_array col_idxs;
value_array values;
static type<ValueType, IndexType> map(
device_matrix_data<ValueType, IndexType>& md)
return type<ValueType, IndexType>::map(
md.get_num_stored_elements(), md.get_row_idxs(), md.get_col_idxs(),
static type<const ValueType, const IndexType> map(
const device_matrix_data<ValueType, IndexType>& md)
return type<const ValueType, const IndexType>::map(
md.get_num_stored_elements(), md.get_const_row_idxs(),
md.get_const_col_idxs(), md.get_const_values());
} // namespace gko::ext::kokkos::detail

Creates a stencil matrix in CSR format for the given number of discretization points.

template <typename ValueType, typename IndexType>
void generate_stencil_matrix(gko::matrix::Csr<ValueType, IndexType>* matrix)
auto exec = matrix->get_executor();
const auto discretization_points = matrix->get_size()[0];

Over-allocate storage for the matrix elements. Each row has 3 entries, except for the first and last one. To handle each row uniformly, we allocate space for 3x the number of rows.

discretization_points * 3);

Create Kokkos views on Ginkgo data.

auto k_md = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(md);

Create the matrix entries. This also creates zero entries for the first and second row to handle all rows uniformly.

"generate_stencil_matrix", md.get_num_stored_elements(),
const ValueType coefs[] = {-1, 2, -1};
auto ofs = static_cast<IndexType>((i % 3) - 1);
auto row = static_cast<IndexType>(i / 3);
auto col = row + ofs;

To prevent branching, a mask is used to set the entry to zero, if the column is out-of-bounds

auto mask =
static_cast<IndexType>(0 <= col && col < discretization_points);
k_md.row_idxs[i] = mask * row;
k_md.col_idxs[i] = mask * col;
k_md.values[i] = mask * coefs[ofs + 1];

Add up duplicate (zero) entries.


Build Csr matrix.


Generates the RHS vector given f and the boundary conditions.

template <typename Closure, typename ValueType>
void generate_rhs(Closure&& f, ValueType u0, ValueType u1,
const auto discretization_points = rhs->get_size()[0];
auto k_rhs = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(rhs);
"generate_rhs", discretization_points, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i) {
const ValueType h = 1.0 / (discretization_points + 1);
const ValueType xi = ValueType(i + 1) * h;
k_rhs(i, 0) = -f(xi) * h * h;
if (i == 0) {
k_rhs(i, 0) += u0;
if (i == discretization_points - 1) {
k_rhs(i, 0) += u1;

Computes the 1-norm of the error given the computed u and the correct solution function correct_u.

template <typename Closure, typename ValueType>
double calculate_error(int discretization_points,
Closure&& correct_u)
auto k_u = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(u);
auto error = 0.0;
"calculate_error", discretization_points,
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i, double& lsum) {
const auto h = 1.0 / (discretization_points + 1);
const auto xi = (i + 1) * h;
lsum += Kokkos::abs((k_u(i, 0) - correct_u(xi)) /
return error;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

Some shortcuts

using ValueType = double;
using RealValueType = gko::remove_complex<ValueType>;
using IndexType = int;

Print help message. For details on the kokkos-options see

if (argc == 2 && (std::string(argv[1]) == "--help")) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [discretization_points] [kokkos-options]" << std::endl;
Kokkos::ScopeGuard kokkos(argc, argv); // print Kokkos help
Kokkos::ScopeGuard kokkos(argc, argv);
const auto discretization_points =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 2 ? std::atoi(argv[1]) : 100u);

chooses the executor that corresponds to the Kokkos DefaultExecutionSpace

auto exec = gko::ext::kokkos::create_default_executor();


auto correct_u = [] KOKKOS_FUNCTION(ValueType x) { return x * x * x; };
auto f = [] KOKKOS_FUNCTION(ValueType x) { return ValueType{6} * x; };
auto u0 = correct_u(0);
auto u1 = correct_u(1);

initialize vectors

auto rhs = vec::create(exec, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));
generate_rhs(f, u0, u1, rhs.get());
auto u = vec::create(exec, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));

initialize the stencil matrix

auto A = share(mtx::create(
exec, gko::dim<2>{discretization_points, discretization_points}));
const RealValueType reduction_factor{1e-7};

Generate solver and solve the system

->apply(rhs, u);
std::cout << "\nSolve complete."
<< "\nThe average relative error is "
<< calculate_error(discretization_points, u.get(), correct_u) /
<< std::endl;


Example output:

> ./kokkos-assembly
Solve complete.
The average relative error is 1.05488e-11

The actual error depends on the used hardware.

The plain program

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <ginkgo/extensions/kokkos.hpp>
#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>
namespace gko::ext::kokkos::detail {
template <typename ValueType, typename IndexType, typename MemorySpace>
struct mapper<device_matrix_data<ValueType, IndexType>, MemorySpace> {
using index_mapper = mapper<array<IndexType>, MemorySpace>;
using value_mapper = mapper<array<ValueType>, MemorySpace>;
template <typename ValueType_c, typename IndexType_c>
struct type {
using index_array = typename index_mapper::template type<IndexType_c>;
using value_array = typename value_mapper::template type<ValueType_c>;
static type map(size_type size, IndexType_c* row_idxs,
IndexType_c* col_idxs, ValueType_c* values)
return {index_mapper::map(row_idxs, size),
index_mapper::map(col_idxs, size),
value_mapper::map(values, size)};
index_array row_idxs;
index_array col_idxs;
value_array values;
static type<ValueType, IndexType> map(
device_matrix_data<ValueType, IndexType>& md)
return type<ValueType, IndexType>::map(
md.get_num_stored_elements(), md.get_row_idxs(), md.get_col_idxs(),
static type<const ValueType, const IndexType> map(
const device_matrix_data<ValueType, IndexType>& md)
return type<const ValueType, const IndexType>::map(
md.get_num_stored_elements(), md.get_const_row_idxs(),
md.get_const_col_idxs(), md.get_const_values());
} // namespace gko::ext::kokkos::detail
template <typename ValueType, typename IndexType>
void generate_stencil_matrix(gko::matrix::Csr<ValueType, IndexType>* matrix)
auto exec = matrix->get_executor();
const auto discretization_points = matrix->get_size()[0];
discretization_points * 3);
auto k_md = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(md);
"generate_stencil_matrix", md.get_num_stored_elements(),
const ValueType coefs[] = {-1, 2, -1};
auto ofs = static_cast<IndexType>((i % 3) - 1);
auto row = static_cast<IndexType>(i / 3);
auto col = row + ofs;
auto mask =
static_cast<IndexType>(0 <= col && col < discretization_points);
k_md.row_idxs[i] = mask * row;
k_md.col_idxs[i] = mask * col;
k_md.values[i] = mask * coefs[ofs + 1];
template <typename Closure, typename ValueType>
void generate_rhs(Closure&& f, ValueType u0, ValueType u1,
const auto discretization_points = rhs->get_size()[0];
auto k_rhs = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(rhs);
"generate_rhs", discretization_points, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i) {
const ValueType h = 1.0 / (discretization_points + 1);
const ValueType xi = ValueType(i + 1) * h;
k_rhs(i, 0) = -f(xi) * h * h;
if (i == 0) {
k_rhs(i, 0) += u0;
if (i == discretization_points - 1) {
k_rhs(i, 0) += u1;
template <typename Closure, typename ValueType>
double calculate_error(int discretization_points,
Closure&& correct_u)
auto k_u = gko::ext::kokkos::map_data(u);
auto error = 0.0;
"calculate_error", discretization_points,
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i, double& lsum) {
const auto h = 1.0 / (discretization_points + 1);
const auto xi = (i + 1) * h;
lsum += Kokkos::abs((k_u(i, 0) - correct_u(xi)) /
return error;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using ValueType = double;
using RealValueType = gko::remove_complex<ValueType>;
using IndexType = int;
if (argc == 2 && (std::string(argv[1]) == "--help")) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [discretization_points] [kokkos-options]" << std::endl;
Kokkos::ScopeGuard kokkos(argc, argv); // print Kokkos help
Kokkos::ScopeGuard kokkos(argc, argv);
const auto discretization_points =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 2 ? std::atoi(argv[1]) : 100u);
auto exec = gko::ext::kokkos::create_default_executor();
auto correct_u = [] KOKKOS_FUNCTION(ValueType x) { return x * x * x; };
auto f = [] KOKKOS_FUNCTION(ValueType x) { return ValueType{6} * x; };
auto u0 = correct_u(0);
auto u1 = correct_u(1);
auto rhs = vec::create(exec, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));
generate_rhs(f, u0, u1, rhs.get());
auto u = vec::create(exec, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));
auto A = share(mtx::create(
exec, gko::dim<2>{discretization_points, discretization_points}));
const RealValueType reduction_factor{1e-7};
->apply(rhs, u);
std::cout << "\nSolve complete."
<< "\nThe average relative error is "
<< calculate_error(discretization_points, u.get(), correct_u) /
<< std::endl;
CSR is a matrix format which stores only the nonzero coefficients by compressing each row of the matr...
Definition: matrix.hpp:27
Dense is a matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix.
Definition: dense_cache.hpp:20
std::size_t size_type
Integral type used for allocation quantities.
Definition: types.hpp:108
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Definition: array.hpp:27
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Definition: residual_norm.hpp:110
gko::dim< 2 >
CG or the conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for...
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detail::shared_type< OwningPointer > share(OwningPointer &&p)
Marks the object pointed to by p as shared.
Definition: utils_helper.hpp:226
the input is right hand side
std::shared_ptr< const Executor > get_executor() const noexcept
Returns the Executor of the object.
Definition: polymorphic_object.hpp:235
const dim< 2 > & get_size() const noexcept
Returns the size of the operator.
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typename detail::remove_complex_s< T >::type remove_complex
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This type is a device-side equivalent to matrix_data.
Definition: device_matrix_data.hpp:36
void read(const mat_data &data) override
Reads a matrix from a matrix_data structure.