Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1330831941 branch based on master. Ginkgo version 1.8.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NgkoThe Ginkgo namespace
 NaccessorThe accessor namespace
 NlogThe logger namespace
 NdistributedThe distributed namespace
 NpreconditionerThe Preconditioner namespace
 NmpiThe mpi namespace, contains wrapper for many MPI functions
 NreorderThe Reorder namespace
 NfactorizationThe Factorization namespace
 NlogThe logger namespace
 NmatrixThe matrix namespace
 NmultigridThe multigrid components namespace
 Nname_demanglingThe name demangling namespace
 NpreconditionerThe Preconditioner namespace
 NreorderThe Reorder namespace
 NsolverThe ginkgo Solve namespace
 NmultigridThe solver multigrid namespace
 NstopThe Stopping criterion namespace
 NsynThe Synthesizer namespace
 NxstdThe namespace for functionalities after C++14 standard