![]() |
Generated from pipelines/1330831941 branch based on master. Ginkgo version 1.8.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
►Ngko | The Ginkgo namespace |
►Naccessor | The accessor namespace |
Cabs_operation | |
Cabs_operaton | |
Cadd | |
Cbitwise_and | |
Cbitwise_not | |
Cbitwise_or | |
Cbitwise_xor | |
Cconj_operation | |
Cconj_operaton | |
Cdiv | |
Cequal | |
Cgreater | |
Cgreater_or_equal | |
Cimag_operation | |
Cimag_operaton | |
Cleft_shift | |
Cless | |
Cless_or_equal | |
Clogical_and | |
Clogical_not | |
Clogical_or | |
Cmax_operation | |
Cmin_operation | |
Cmmul_operation | |
Cmod | |
Cmul | |
Cnot_equal | |
Cone_operation | |
Cone_operaton | |
Creal_operation | |
Creal_operaton | |
Cright_shift | |
Crow_major | A row_major accessor is a bridge between a range and the row-major memory layout |
Csquared_norm_operation | |
Csquared_norm_operaton | |
Csub | |
Ctranspose_operation | |
Cunary_minus | |
Cunary_plus | |
Czero_operation | |
►Nbatch | |
►Nlog | The logger namespace |
CBatchConvergence | Logs the final residuals and iteration counts for a batch solver |
►Nmatrix | |
CCsr | Csr is a general sparse matrix format that stores the column indices for each nonzero entry and a cumulative sum of the number of nonzeros in each row |
CDense | Dense is a batch matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix in each of the batches |
CEll | Ell is a sparse matrix format that stores the same number of nonzeros in each row, enabling coalesced accesses |
CIdentity | The batch Identity matrix, which represents a batch of Identity matrices |
►Npreconditioner | |
►CJacobi | A block-Jacobi preconditioner is a block-diagonal linear operator, obtained by inverting the diagonal blocks (stored in a dense row major fashion) of the source operator |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nsolver | |
CBatchSolver | The BatchSolver is a base class for all batched solvers and provides the common getters and setter for these batched solver classes |
►CBicgstab | BiCGSTAB or the Bi-Conjugate Gradient-Stabilized is a Krylov subspace solver |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCg | Cg or the Conjugate Gradient is a Krylov subspace solver |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
Cenable_preconditioned_iterative_solver_factory_parameters | |
CEnableBatchSolver | This mixin provides apply and common iterative solver functionality to all the batched solvers |
CBatchLinOp | |
CBatchLinOpFactory | A BatchLinOpFactory represents a higher order mapping which transforms one batch linear operator into another |
CEnableBatchLinOp | The EnableBatchLinOp mixin can be used to provide sensible default implementations of the majority of the BatchLinOp and PolymorphicObject interface |
CMultiVector | MultiVector stores multiple vectors in a batched fashion and is useful for batched operations |
►Nconfig | |
Cpnode | Pnode describes a tree of properties |
Cregistry | This class stores additional context for creating Ginkgo objects from configuration files |
Ctype_descriptor | This class describes the value and index types to be used when building a Ginkgo type from a configuration file |
►Nexperimental | |
►Ndistributed | The distributed namespace |
►Npreconditioner | The Preconditioner namespace |
►CSchwarz | A Schwarz preconditioner is a simple domain decomposition preconditioner that generalizes the Block Jacobi preconditioner, incorporating options for different local subdomain solvers and overlaps between the subdomains |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CDistributedBase | A base class for distributed objects |
Cindex_map | This class defines mappings between global and local indices |
CMatrix | The Matrix class defines a (MPI-)distributed matrix |
CPartition | Represents a partition of a range of indices [0, size) into a disjoint set of parts |
CVector | Vector is a format which explicitly stores (multiple) distributed column vectors in a dense storage format |
►Nfactorization | |
►CCholesky | Computes a Cholesky factorization of a symmetric, positive-definite sparse matrix |
Cparameters_type | |
CFactorization | Represents a generic factorization consisting of two triangular factors (upper and lower) and an optional diagonal scaling matrix |
►CLu | Computes an LU factorization of a sparse matrix |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nmpi | The mpi namespace, contains wrapper for many MPI functions |
Ccommunicator | A thin wrapper of MPI_Comm that supports most MPI calls |
Ccontiguous_type | A move-only wrapper for a contiguous MPI_Datatype |
Cenvironment | Class that sets up and finalizes the MPI environment |
Crequest | Light, move-only wrapper around the MPI_Request handle |
Cstatus | The status struct is a light wrapper around the MPI_Status struct |
Ctype_impl | A struct that is used to determine the MPI_Datatype of a specified type |
Ctype_impl< char > | |
Ctype_impl< double > | |
Ctype_impl< float > | |
Ctype_impl< int > | |
Ctype_impl< long > | |
Ctype_impl< long double > | |
Ctype_impl< long long > | |
Ctype_impl< unsigned > | |
Ctype_impl< unsigned char > | |
Ctype_impl< unsigned long > | |
Ctype_impl< unsigned long long > | |
Ctype_impl< unsigned short > | |
Cwindow | This class wraps the MPI_Window class with RAII functionality |
►Nreorder | The Reorder namespace |
►CAmd | Computes a Approximate Minimum Degree (AMD) reordering of an input matrix |
Cparameters_type | |
►CMc64 | MC64 is an algorithm for permuting large entries to the diagonal of a sparse matrix |
Cparameters_type | |
►CRcm | Rcm (Reverse Cuthill-McKee) is a reordering algorithm minimizing the bandwidth of a matrix |
Cparameters_type | |
►CScaledReordered | Provides an interface to wrap reorderings like Rcm and diagonal scaling like equilibration around a LinOp like e.g |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nsolver | |
►CDirect | A direct solver based on a factorization into lower and upper triangular factors (with an optional diagonal scaling) |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CEnableDistributedLinOp | This mixin does the same as EnableLinOp, but for concrete types that are derived from distributed::DistributedBase |
CEnableDistributedPolymorphicObject | This mixin does the same as EnablePolymorphicObject, but for concrete types that are derived from distributed::DistributedBase |
►Nfactorization | The Factorization namespace |
►CIc | Represents an incomplete Cholesky factorization (IC(0)) of a sparse matrix |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CIlu | Represents an incomplete LU factorization – ILU(0) – of a sparse matrix |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CParIc | ParIC is an incomplete Cholesky factorization which is computed in parallel |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CParIct | ParICT is an incomplete threshold-based Cholesky factorization which is computed in parallel |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CParIlu | ParILU is an incomplete LU factorization which is computed in parallel |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CParIlut | ParILUT is an incomplete threshold-based LU factorization which is computed in parallel |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nlog | The logger namespace |
CConvergence | Convergence is a Logger which logs data strictly from the criterion_check_completed event |
Ccriterion_data | Struct representing Criterion related data |
CEnableLogging | EnableLogging is a mixin which should be inherited by any class which wants to enable logging |
Cexecutor_data | Struct representing Executor related data |
Citeration_complete_data | Struct representing iteration complete related data |
Clinop_data | Struct representing LinOp related data |
Clinop_factory_data | Struct representing LinOp factory related data |
CLoggable | Loggable class is an interface which should be implemented by classes wanting to support logging |
CLogger | |
Coperation_data | Struct representing Operator related data |
CPapi | Papi is a Logger which logs every event to the PAPI software |
CPerformanceHint | PerformanceHint is a Logger which analyzes the performance of the application and outputs hints for unnecessary copies and allocations |
Cpolymorphic_object_data | Struct representing PolymorphicObject related data |
►CProfilerHook | This Logger can be used to annotate the execution of Ginkgo functionality with profiler-specific ranges |
Cnested_summary_entry | |
CNestedSummaryWriter | Receives the results from ProfilerHook::create_nested_summary() |
Csummary_entry | |
CSummaryWriter | Receives the results from ProfilerHook::create_summary() |
CTableSummaryWriter | Writes the results from ProfilerHook::create_summary() and ProfilerHook::create_nested_summary() to a ASCII table in Markdown format |
Cprofiling_scope_guard | Scope guard that annotates its scope with the provided profiler hooks |
►CRecord | Record is a Logger which logs every event to an object |
Clogged_data | Struct storing the actually logged data |
CStream | Stream is a Logger which logs every event to a stream |
►Nmatrix | The matrix namespace |
CCoo | COO stores a matrix in the coordinate matrix format |
CCooBuilder | |
►CCsr | CSR is a matrix format which stores only the nonzero coefficients by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format) |
Cautomatical | |
Cclassical | Classical is a strategy_type which uses the same number of threads on each row |
Ccusparse | Cusparse is a strategy_type which uses the sparselib csr |
Cload_balance | Load_balance is a strategy_type which uses the load balance algorithm |
Cmerge_path | Merge_path is a strategy_type which uses the merge_path algorithm |
Csparselib | Sparselib is a strategy_type which uses the sparselib csr |
Cstrategy_type | Strategy_type is to decide how to set the csr algorithm |
CCsrBuilder | |
CDense | Dense is a matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix |
CDiagonal | This class is a utility which efficiently implements the diagonal matrix (a linear operator which scales a vector row wise) |
CEll | ELL is a matrix format where stride with explicit zeros is used such that all rows have the same number of stored elements |
CFbcsr | Fixed-block compressed sparse row storage matrix format |
CFbcsrBuilder | |
CFft | This LinOp implements a 1D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm |
CFft2 | This LinOp implements a 2D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm |
CFft3 | This LinOp implements a 3D Fourier matrix using the FFT algorithm |
►CHybrid | HYBRID is a matrix format which splits the matrix into ELLPACK and COO format |
Cautomatic | Automatic is a strategy_type which decides the number of stored elements per row of the ell part automatically |
Ccolumn_limit | Column_limit is a strategy_type which decides the number of stored elements per row of the ell part by specifying the number of columns |
Cimbalance_bounded_limit | Imbalance_bounded_limit is a strategy_type which decides the number of stored elements per row of the ell part |
Cimbalance_limit | Imbalance_limit is a strategy_type which decides the number of stored elements per row of the ell part according to the percent |
Cminimal_storage_limit | Minimal_storage_limit is a strategy_type which decides the number of stored elements per row of the ell part |
Cstrategy_type | Strategy_type is to decide how to set the hybrid config |
CIdentity | This class is a utility which efficiently implements the identity matrix (a linear operator which maps each vector to itself) |
CIdentityFactory | This factory is a utility which can be used to generate Identity operators |
CPermutation | Permutation is a matrix format that represents a permutation matrix, i.e |
CRowGatherer | RowGatherer is a matrix "format" which stores the gather indices arrays which can be used to gather rows to another matrix |
CScaledPermutation | ScaledPermutation is a matrix combining a permutation with scaling factors |
CSellp | SELL-P is a matrix format similar to ELL format |
CSparsityCsr | SparsityCsr is a matrix format which stores only the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix by compressing each row of the matrix (compressed sparse row format) |
►Nmultigrid | The multigrid components namespace |
CEnableMultigridLevel | The EnableMultigridLevel gives the default implementation of MultigridLevel with composition and provides set_multigrid_level function |
►CFixedCoarsening | FixedCoarsening is a very simple coarse grid generation algorithm |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CMultigridLevel | This class represents two levels in a multigrid hierarchy |
►CPgm | Parallel graph match (Pgm) is the aggregate method introduced in the paper M |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Npreconditioner | The Preconditioner namespace |
Cblock_interleaved_storage_scheme | Defines the parameters of the interleaved block storage scheme used by block-Jacobi blocks |
►CIc | The Incomplete Cholesky (IC) preconditioner solves the equation ![]() |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CIlu | The Incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioner solves the equation ![]() |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CIsai | The Incomplete Sparse Approximate Inverse (ISAI) Preconditioner generates an approximate inverse matrix for a given square matrix A, lower triangular matrix L, upper triangular matrix U or symmetric positive (spd) matrix B |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CJacobi | A block-Jacobi preconditioner is a block-diagonal linear operator, obtained by inverting the diagonal blocks of the source operator |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nreorder | The Reorder namespace |
►CRcm | Rcm (Reverse Cuthill-McKee) is a reordering algorithm minimizing the bandwidth of a matrix |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CReorderingBase | The ReorderingBase class is a base class for all the reordering algorithms |
CReorderingBaseArgs | This struct is used to pass parameters to the EnableDefaultReorderingBaseFactory::generate() method |
►Nsolver | The ginkgo Solve namespace |
CApplyWithInitialGuess | ApplyWithInitialGuess provides a way to give the input guess for apply function |
►CBicg | BICG or the Biconjugate gradient method is a Krylov subspace solver |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CBicgstab | BiCGSTAB or the Bi-Conjugate Gradient-Stabilized is a Krylov subspace solver |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCbGmres | CB-GMRES or the compressed basis generalized minimal residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCg | CG or the conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for symmetric positive definite methods |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCgs | CGS or the conjugate gradient square method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for general systems |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
Cenable_iterative_solver_factory_parameters | |
Cenable_preconditioned_iterative_solver_factory_parameters | |
CEnableApplyWithInitialGuess | EnableApplyWithInitialGuess providing default operation for ApplyWithInitialGuess with correct validation and log |
CEnableIterativeBase | A LinOp deriving from this CRTP class stores a stopping criterion factory and allows applying with a guess |
CEnablePreconditionable | Mixin providing default operation for Preconditionable with correct value semantics |
CEnablePreconditionedIterativeSolver | A LinOp implementing this interface stores a system matrix and stopping criterion factory |
CEnableSolverBase | A LinOp deriving from this CRTP class stores a system matrix |
►CFcg | FCG or the flexible conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for symmetric positive definite methods |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CGcr | GCR or the generalized conjugate residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method similar to GMRES which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CGmres | GMRES or the generalized minimal residual method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for nonsymmetric linear systems |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
Chas_with_criteria | Helper structure to test if the Factory of SolverType has a function with_criteria |
Chas_with_criteria< SolverType, xstd::void_t< decltype(SolverType::build().with_criteria(std::shared_ptr< const stop::CriterionFactory >()))> > | Helper structure to test if the Factory of SolverType has a function with_criteria . |
►CIdr | IDR(s) is an efficient method for solving large nonsymmetric systems of linear equations |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CIr | Iterative refinement (IR) is an iterative method that uses another coarse method to approximate the error of the current solution via the current residual |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CIterativeBase | A LinOp implementing this interface stores a stopping criterion factory |
►CLowerTrs | LowerTrs is the triangular solver which solves the system L x = b, when L is a lower triangular matrix |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CMultigrid | Multigrid methods have a hierarchy of many levels, whose corase level is a subset of the fine level, of the problem |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CSolverBase | |
►CUpperTrs | UpperTrs is the triangular solver which solves the system U x = b, when U is an upper triangular matrix |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
Cworkspace_traits | Traits class providing information on the type and location of workspace vectors inside a solver |
Cworkspace_traits< Bicg< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Bicgstab< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Cg< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Cgs< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Fcg< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Gcr< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< gko::experimental::solver::Direct< ValueType, IndexType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Gmres< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Idr< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Ir< ValueType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< LowerTrs< ValueType, IndexType > > | |
Cworkspace_traits< Multigrid > | |
Cworkspace_traits< UpperTrs< ValueType, IndexType > > | |
►Nstop | The Stopping criterion namespace |
►CAbsoluteResidualNorm | The AbsoluteResidualNorm class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the residual norm is below a certain threshold, i.e |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCombined | Used to combine multiple criterions together through an OR operation |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CCriterion | Base class for all stopping criteria |
CUpdater | Serves for convenient argument passing to the Criterion's check function |
CCriterionArgs | This struct is used to pass parameters to the EnableDefaultCriterionFactoryCriterionFactory::generate() method |
►CImplicitResidualNorm | The ImplicitResidualNorm class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the implicit residual norm is below a certain threshold relative to |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CIteration | Stopping criterion which stops the iteration process after a preset number of iterations |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CRelativeResidualNorm | The RelativeResidualNorm class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the residual norm is below a certain threshold relative to the norm of the right-hand side, i.e |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CResidualNorm | The ResidualNorm class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the actual residual norm is below a certain threshold relative to |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
CResidualNormBase | The ResidualNormBase class provides a framework for stopping criteria related to the residual norm |
►CResidualNormReduction | The ResidualNormReduction class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the residual norm is below a certain threshold relative to the norm of the initial residual, i.e |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►CTime | Stopping criterion which stops the iteration process after a certain amount of time has passed |
CFactory | |
Cparameters_type | |
►Nsyn | The Synthesizer namespace |
Crange | Range records start, end, step in template |
Ctype_list | Type_list records several types in template |
Cvalue_list | Value_list records several values with the same type in template |
►Nxstd | The namespace for functionalities after C++14 standard |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< B1 > | |
Cconjunction< B1, Bn... > | |
CAbsoluteComputable | The AbsoluteComputable is an interface that allows to get the component wise absolute of a LinOp |
CAbstractFactory | The AbstractFactory is a generic interface template that enables easy implementation of the abstract factory design pattern |
CAllocationError | AllocationError is thrown if a memory allocation fails |
CAllocator | Provides generic allocation and deallocation functionality to be used by an Executor |
Camd_device | Amd_device handles the number of executor on Amd devices and have the corresponding recursive_mutex |
Care_all_integral | Evaluates if all template arguments Args fulfill std::is_integral |
Care_all_integral< First, Args... > | |
Carray | An array is a container which encapsulates fixed-sized arrays, stored on the Executor tied to the array |
CBadDimension | BadDimension is thrown if an operation is being applied to a LinOp with bad dimensions |
Cbatch_dim | A type representing the dimensions of a multidimensional batch object |
CBlockOperator | A BlockOperator represents a linear operator that is partitioned into multiple blocks |
CBlockSizeError | Error that denotes issues between block sizes and matrix dimensions |
CCombination | The Combination class can be used to construct a linear combination of multiple linear operators c1 * op1 + c2 * op2 + .. |
CComposition | The Composition class can be used to compose linear operators op1, op2, ..., opn and obtain the operator op1 * op2 * .. |
CConvertibleTo | ConvertibleTo interface is used to mark that the implementer can be converted to the object of ResultType |
CCpuAllocator | Allocator using new/delete |
CCpuAllocatorBase | Implement this interface to provide an allocator for OmpExecutor or ReferenceExecutor |
CCpuTimer | A timer using std::chrono::steady_clock for timing |
Ccpx_real_type | Access the underlying real type of a complex number |
CCublasError | CublasError is thrown when a cuBLAS routine throws a non-zero error code |
Ccuda_stream | An RAII wrapper for a custom CUDA stream |
CCudaAllocator | Allocator using cudaMalloc |
CCudaAllocatorBase | Implement this interface to provide an allocator for CudaExecutor |
CCudaAsyncAllocator | |
CCudaError | CudaError is thrown when a CUDA routine throws a non-zero error code |
CCudaExecutor | This is the Executor subclass which represents the CUDA device |
CCudaHostAllocator | |
CCudaTimer | A timer using events for timing on a CudaExecutor |
CCudaUnifiedAllocator | |
CCufftError | CufftError is thrown when a cuFFT routine throws a non-zero error code |
CCurandError | CurandError is thrown when a cuRAND routine throws a non-zero error code |
CCusparseError | CusparseError is thrown when a cuSPARSE routine throws a non-zero error code |
Cdefault_converter | Used to convert objects of type S to objects of type R using static_cast |
Cdeferred_factory_parameter | Represents a factory parameter of factory type that can either initialized by a pre-existing factory or by passing in a factory_parameters object whose .on(exec) will be called to instantiate a factory |
►Cdevice_matrix_data | This type is a device-side equivalent to matrix_data |
Carrays | Stores the internal arrays of a device_matrix_data object |
CDiagonalExtractable | The diagonal of a LinOp implementing this interface can be extracted |
CDiagonalLinOpExtractable | The diagonal of a LinOp can be extracted |
Cdim | A type representing the dimensions of a multidimensional object |
Cdim< 1u, DimensionType > | |
CDimensionMismatch | DimensionMismatch is thrown if an operation is being applied to LinOps of incompatible size |
CDpcppExecutor | This is the Executor subclass which represents a DPC++ enhanced device |
CDpcppTimer | A timer using kernels for timing on a DpcppExecutor in profiling mode |
Cenable_parameters_type | The enable_parameters_type mixin is used to create a base implementation of the factory parameters structure |
CEnableAbsoluteComputation | The EnableAbsoluteComputation mixin provides the default implementations of compute_absolute_linop and the absolute interface |
CEnableAbstractPolymorphicObject | This mixin inherits from (a subclass of) PolymorphicObject and provides a base implementation of a new abstract object |
CEnableCreateMethod | This mixin implements a static create() method on ConcreteType that dynamically allocates the memory, uses the passed-in arguments to construct the object, and returns an std::unique_ptr to such an object |
CEnableDefaultFactory | This mixin provides a default implementation of a concrete factory |
CEnableLinOp | The EnableLinOp mixin can be used to provide sensible default implementations of the majority of the LinOp and PolymorphicObject interface |
CEnablePolymorphicAssignment | This mixin is used to enable a default PolymorphicObject::copy_from() implementation for objects that have implemented conversions between them |
CEnablePolymorphicObject | This mixin inherits from (a subclass of) PolymorphicObject and provides a base implementation of a new concrete polymorphic object |
Cerr | |
CError | Used to report exceptional behaviour in library functions |
CExecutor | The first step in using the Ginkgo library consists of creating an executor |
Cexecutor_deleter | This is a deleter that uses an executor's free method to deallocate the data |
Cexecutor_deleter< T[]> | |
Chip_stream | An RAII wrapper for a custom HIP stream |
CHipAllocator | |
CHipAllocatorBase | Implement this interface to provide an allocator for HipExecutor |
CHipAsyncAllocator | |
CHipblasError | HipblasError is thrown when a hipBLAS routine throws a non-zero error code |
CHipError | HipError is thrown when a HIP routine throws a non-zero error code |
CHipExecutor | This is the Executor subclass which represents the HIP enhanced device |
CHipfftError | HipfftError is thrown when a hipFFT routine throws a non-zero error code |
CHipHostAllocator | |
CHiprandError | HiprandError is thrown when a hipRAND routine throws a non-zero error code |
CHipsparseError | HipsparseError is thrown when a hipSPARSE routine throws a non-zero error code |
CHipTimer | A timer using events for timing on a HipExecutor |
CHipUnifiedAllocator | |
Cindex_set | An index set class represents an ordered set of intervals |
CInvalidStateError | Exception thrown if an object is in an invalid state |
CKernelNotFound | KernelNotFound is thrown if Ginkgo cannot find a kernel which satisfies the criteria imposed by the input arguments |
CLinOp | |
CLinOpFactory | A LinOpFactory represents a higher order mapping which transforms one linear operator into another |
Cmachine_topology | The machine topology class represents the hierarchical topology of a machine, including NUMA nodes, cores and PCI Devices |
Cmatrix_assembly_data | This structure is used as an intermediate type to assemble a sparse matrix |
Cmatrix_data | This structure is used as an intermediate data type to store a sparse matrix |
Cmatrix_data_entry | Type used to store nonzeros |
CMetisError | MetisError is thrown when METIS routine throws an error code |
CMpiError | MpiError is thrown when a MPI routine throws a non-zero error code |
CNotCompiled | NotCompiled is thrown when attempting to call an operation which is a part of a module that was not compiled on the system |
CNotImplemented | NotImplemented is thrown in case an operation has not yet been implemented (but will be implemented in the future) |
CNotSupported | NotSupported is thrown in case it is not possible to perform the requested operation on the given object type |
Cnull_deleter | This is a deleter that does not delete the object |
Cnull_deleter< T[]> | |
Cnvidia_device | Nvidia_device handles the number of executor on Nvidia devices and have the corresponding recursive_mutex |
COmpExecutor | This is the Executor subclass which represents the OpenMP device (typically CPU) |
COperation | Operations can be used to define functionalities whose implementations differ among devices |
COutOfBoundsError | OutOfBoundsError is thrown if a memory access is detected to be out-of-bounds |
COverflowError | OverflowError is thrown when an index calculation for storage requirements overflows |
CPermutable | Linear operators which support permutation should implement the Permutable interface |
CPerturbation | The Perturbation class can be used to construct a LinOp to represent the operation (identity + scalar * basis * projector) |
CPolymorphicObject | A PolymorphicObject is the abstract base for all "heavy" objects in Ginkgo that behave polymorphically |
Cprecision_reduction | This class is used to encode storage precisions of low precision algorithms |
CPreconditionable | A LinOp implementing this interface can be preconditioned |
Cptr_param | This class is used for function parameters in the place of raw pointers |
Crange | A range is a multidimensional view of the memory |
CReadableFromMatrixData | A LinOp implementing this interface can read its data from a matrix_data structure |
CReferenceExecutor | This is a specialization of the OmpExecutor, which runs the reference implementations of the kernels used for debugging purposes |
CScaledIdentityAddable | Adds the operation M <- a I + b M for matrix M, identity operator I and scalars a and b, where M is the calling object |
Cscoped_device_id_guard | This move-only class uses RAII to set the device id within a scoped block, if necessary |
Csegmented_array | A minimal interface for a segmented array |
Cspan | A span is a lightweight structure used to create sub-ranges from other ranges |
Cstopping_status | This class is used to keep track of the stopping status of one vector |
CStreamError | StreamError is thrown if accessing a stream failed |
Ctime_point | An opaque wrapper for a time point generated by a timer |
CTimer | Represents a generic timer that can be used to record time points and measure time differences on host or device streams |
CTransposable | Linear operators which support transposition should implement the Transposable interface |
Ctruncated | |
CUnsupportedMatrixProperty | Exception throws if a matrix does not have a property required by a numerical method |
CUseComposition | The UseComposition class can be used to store the composition information in LinOp |
CValueMismatch | ValueMismatch is thrown if two values are not equal |
Cversion | This structure is used to represent versions of various Ginkgo modules |
Cversion_info | Ginkgo uses version numbers to label new features and to communicate backward compatibility guarantees: |
CWritableToMatrixData | A LinOp implementing this interface can write its data to a matrix_data structure |
Chwloc_obj_t | |
Chwloc_obj_type_t |