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A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
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gko::index_set< IndexType > Class Template Reference

An index set class represents an ordered set of intervals. More...

#include <ginkgo/core/base/index_set.hpp>

Public Types

using index_type = IndexType
 The type of elements stored in the index set.

Public Member Functions

 index_set (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec) noexcept
 Creates an empty index_set tied to the specified Executor. More...
 index_set (std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor > exec, std::initializer_list< IndexType > init_list, const bool is_sorted=false)
 Creates an index set on the specified executor from the initializer list. More...
 index_set (std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor > exec, const index_type size, const gko::array< index_type > &indices, const bool is_sorted=false)
 Creates an index set on the specified executor and the given size. More...
 index_set (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, const index_set &other)
 Creates a copy of the input index_set on a different executor. More...
 index_set (const index_set &other)
 Creates a copy of the input index_set. More...
 index_set (std::shared_ptr< const Executor > exec, index_set &&other)
 Moves the input index_set to a different executor. More...
 index_set (index_set &&other)
 Moves the input index_set. More...
index_setoperator= (const index_set &other)
 Copies data from another index_set. More...
index_setoperator= (index_set &&other)
 Moves data from another index_set. More...
void clear () noexcept
 Deallocates all data used by the index_set. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Executorget_executor () const
 Returns the executor of the index_set. More...
index_type get_size () const
 Returns the size of the index set space. More...
bool is_contiguous () const
 Returns if the index set is contiguous. More...
index_type get_num_elems () const
 Return the actual number of indices stored in the index set. More...
index_type get_global_index (index_type local_index) const
 Return the global index given a local index. More...
index_type get_local_index (index_type global_index) const
 Return the local index given a global index. More...
array< index_typemap_local_to_global (const array< index_type > &local_indices, const bool is_sorted=false) const
 This is an array version of the scalar function above. More...
array< index_typemap_global_to_local (const array< index_type > &global_indices, const bool is_sorted=false) const
 This is an array version of the scalar function above. More...
array< index_typeto_global_indices () const
 This function allows the user obtain a decompressed global_indices array from the indices stored in the index set. More...
array< bool > contains (const array< index_type > &global_indices, const bool is_sorted=false) const
 Checks if the individual global indeices exist in the index set. More...
bool contains (const index_type global_index) const
 Checks if the global index exists in the index set. More...
index_type get_num_subsets () const
 Returns the number of subsets stored in the index set. More...
const index_typeget_subsets_begin () const
 Returns a pointer to the beginning indices of the subsets. More...
const index_typeget_subsets_end () const
 Returns a pointer to the end indices of the subsets. More...
const index_typeget_superset_indices () const
 Returns a pointer to the cumulative indices of the superset of the subsets. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename IndexType = int32>
class gko::index_set< IndexType >

An index set class represents an ordered set of intervals.

The index set contains subsets which store the starting and end points of a range, [a,b), storing the first index and one past the last index. As the index set only stores the end-points of ranges, it can be quite efficient in terms of storage.

This class is particularly useful in storing continuous ranges. For example, consider the index set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 42). Instead of storing the entire array of indices, one can store intervals ([1,9), [10,13), [18,22), [42,43)), thereby only using half the storage.

We store three arrays, one (subsets_begin) with the starting indices of the subsets in the index set, another (subsets_end) storing one index beyond the end indices of the subsets and the last (superset_cumulative_indices) storing the cumulative number of indices in the subsequent subsets with an initial zero which speeds up the querying. Additionally, the arrays containing the range boundaries (subsets_begin, subsets_end) are stored in a sorted fashion.

Therefore the storage would look as follows

index_set = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 42) subsets_begin = {1, 10, 18, 42} subsets_end = {9, 13, 22, 43} superset_cumulative_indices = {0, 8, 11, 15, 16}

Template Parameters
index_typetype of the indices being stored in the index set.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ index_set() [1/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec)

Creates an empty index_set tied to the specified Executor.

execthe Executor where the index_set data is allocated

◆ index_set() [2/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor exec,
std::initializer_list< IndexType >  init_list,
const bool  is_sorted = false 

Creates an index set on the specified executor from the initializer list.

execthe Executor where the index set data will be allocated
init_listthe indices that the index set should hold in an initializer_list.
is_sorteda parameter that specifies if the indices array is sorted or not. true if sorted.

◆ index_set() [3/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor exec,
const index_type  size,
const gko::array< index_type > &  indices,
const bool  is_sorted = false 

Creates an index set on the specified executor and the given size.

execthe Executor where the index set data will be allocated
sizethe maximum index the index set it allowed to hold. This is the size of the index space.
indicesthe indices that the index set should hold.
is_sorteda parameter that specifies if the indices array is sorted or not. true if sorted.

References gko::array< ValueType >::get_size().

◆ index_set() [4/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
const index_set< IndexType > &  other 

Creates a copy of the input index_set on a different executor.

execthe executor where the new index_set will be created
otherthe index_set to copy from

◆ index_set() [5/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( const index_set< IndexType > &  other)

Creates a copy of the input index_set.

otherthe index_set to copy from

◆ index_set() [6/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( std::shared_ptr< const Executor exec,
index_set< IndexType > &&  other 

Moves the input index_set to a different executor.

execthe executor where the new index_set will be moved to
otherthe index_set to move from

◆ index_set() [7/7]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
gko::index_set< IndexType >::index_set ( index_set< IndexType > &&  other)

Moves the input index_set.

otherthe index_set to move from

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
void gko::index_set< IndexType >::clear ( )

Deallocates all data used by the index_set.

The index_set is left in a valid, but empty state, so the same index_set can be used to allocate new memory. Calls to index_set::get_subsets_begin() will return a nullptr.

References gko::array< ValueType >::clear().

◆ contains() [1/2]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
array<bool> gko::index_set< IndexType >::contains ( const array< index_type > &  global_indices,
const bool  is_sorted = false 
) const

Checks if the individual global indeices exist in the index set.

global_indicesthe indices to check.
is_sorteda parameter that specifies if the query array is sorted or not. true if sorted.
the array that contains element wise whether the corresponding global index in the index set or not.

◆ contains() [2/2]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
bool gko::index_set< IndexType >::contains ( const index_type  global_index) const

Checks if the global index exists in the index set.

global_indexthe index to check.
whether the element exists in the index set.
This single entry query can have significant kernel launch overheads and should be avoided if possible.

◆ get_executor()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
std::shared_ptr<const Executor> gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_executor ( ) const

Returns the executor of the index_set.

the executor.

◆ get_global_index()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_type gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_global_index ( index_type  local_index) const

Return the global index given a local index.

Consider the set idx_set = (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9). This function returns the element at the global index k stored in the index set. For example, idx_set.get_global_index(0) == 0 idx_set.get_global_index(3) == 4 and idx_set.get_global_index(7) == 9

This function returns a scalar value and needs a scalar value. For repeated queries, it is more efficient to use the array functions that take and return arrays which allow for more throughput.
local_indexthe local index.
the global index from the index set.
This single entry query can have significant kernel launch overheads and should be avoided if possible.

◆ get_local_index()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_type gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_local_index ( index_type  global_index) const

Return the local index given a global index.

Consider the set idx_set = (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9). This function returns the local index in the index set of the provided index set. For example, idx_set.get_local_index(0) == 0 idx_set.get_local_index(4) == 3 and idx_set.get_local_index(6) == 4.

This function returns a scalar value and needs a scalar value. For repeated queries, it is more efficient to use the array functions that take and return arrays which allow for more throughput.
global_indexthe global index.
the local index of the element in the index set.
This single entry query can have significant kernel launch overheads and should be avoided if possible.

◆ get_num_elems()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_type gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_num_elems ( ) const

Return the actual number of indices stored in the index set.

number of indices stored in the index set

◆ get_num_subsets()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_type gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_num_subsets ( ) const

Returns the number of subsets stored in the index set.

the number of stored subsets.

References gko::array< ValueType >::get_size().

Referenced by gko::index_set< IndexType >::is_contiguous().

◆ get_size()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_type gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_size ( ) const

Returns the size of the index set space.

the size of the index set space.

◆ get_subsets_begin()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
const index_type* gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_subsets_begin ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the beginning indices of the subsets.

a pointer to the beginning indices of the subsets.

References gko::array< ValueType >::get_const_data().

◆ get_subsets_end()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
const index_type* gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_subsets_end ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the end indices of the subsets.

a pointer to the end indices of the subsets.

References gko::array< ValueType >::get_const_data().

◆ get_superset_indices()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
const index_type* gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_superset_indices ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the cumulative indices of the superset of the subsets.

a pointer to the cumulative indices of the superset of the subsets.

References gko::array< ValueType >::get_const_data().

◆ is_contiguous()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
bool gko::index_set< IndexType >::is_contiguous ( ) const

Returns if the index set is contiguous.

if the index set is contiguous.

References gko::index_set< IndexType >::get_num_subsets().

◆ map_global_to_local()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
array<index_type> gko::index_set< IndexType >::map_global_to_local ( const array< index_type > &  global_indices,
const bool  is_sorted = false 
) const

This is an array version of the scalar function above.

global_indicesthe global index array.
is_sorteda parameter that specifies if the query array is sorted or not. true if sorted.
the local index array from the index set.
Whenever possible, passing a sorted array is preferred as the queries can be significantly faster.

◆ map_local_to_global()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
array<index_type> gko::index_set< IndexType >::map_local_to_global ( const array< index_type > &  local_indices,
const bool  is_sorted = false 
) const

This is an array version of the scalar function above.

local_indicesthe local index array.
is_sorteda parameter that specifies if the query array is sorted or not. true if sorted .
the global index array from the index set.
Whenever possible, passing a sorted array is preferred as the queries can be significantly faster.
Passing local indices from [0, size) is equivalent to using the @to_global_indices function.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_set& gko::index_set< IndexType >::operator= ( const index_set< IndexType > &  other)

Copies data from another index_set.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe index_set to copy from

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename IndexType = int32>
index_set& gko::index_set< IndexType >::operator= ( index_set< IndexType > &&  other)

Moves data from another index_set.

The executor of this is preserved. In case this does not have an assigned executor, it will inherit the executor of other.

otherthe index_set to move from

◆ to_global_indices()

template<typename IndexType = int32>
array<index_type> gko::index_set< IndexType >::to_global_indices ( ) const

This function allows the user obtain a decompressed global_indices array from the indices stored in the index set.

the decompressed set of indices.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: