Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1680925034 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
The distributed-multigrid-preconditioned-solver program

The distributed multigrid preconditioned solver with customized components example..

This example depends on distributed-solver.

Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. The commented program
  1. Results
  2. The plain program


This distributed multigrid preconditioned solver example should help you understand customizing Ginkgo multigrid in a distributed setting. The example will solve a simple 1D Laplace equation where the system can be distributed row-wise to multiple processes. Note. Because the stencil for the discretized Laplacian is configured with equal weight, the coarsening method does not perform well on this kind of problem. To run the solver with multiple processes, use mpirun -n NUM_PROCS ./distributed-solver [executor] [num_grid_points] [num_iterations].

If you are using GPU devices, please make sure that you run this example with at most as many processes as you have GPU devices available.

The commented program

As vector type we use the following, which implements a subset of gko::matrix::Dense.

As matrix type we simply use the following type, which can read distributed data and be applied to a distributed vector.

using dist_mtx =
gko::experimental::distributed::Matrix<ValueType, LocalIndexType,

We still need a localized vector type to be used as scalars in the advanced apply operations.

The partition type describes how the rows of the matrices are distributed.

using part_type =

We can use here the same solver type as you would use in a non-distributed program. Please note that not all solvers support distributed systems at the moment.

We use the Schwarz preconditioner to extend non-distributed preconditioners, like our Jacobi, to the distributed case. The Schwarz preconditioner wraps another preconditioner, and applies it only to the local part of a distributed matrix. This will be used as our distributed multigrid smoother.

ValueType, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType>;

Multigrid and Pgm can accept the distributed matrix, so we still use the same type as the non-distributed case.

Create an MPI communicator get the rank of the calling process.

const auto comm = gko::experimental::mpi::communicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
const auto rank = comm.rank();

User Input Handling

User input settings:

  • The executor, defaults to reference.
  • The number of grid points, defaults to 100.
  • The number of iterations, defaults to 1000.
if (argc == 2 && (std::string(argv[1]) == "--help")) {
if (rank == 0) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [executor] [num_grid_points] [num_iterations] "
<< std::endl;
const auto executor_string = argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "reference";
const auto grid_dim =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 3 ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 100);
const auto num_iters =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 4 ? std::atoi(argv[3]) : 1000);
const std::map<std::string,
[](MPI_Comm) { return gko::ReferenceExecutor::create(); }},
{"omp", [](MPI_Comm) { return gko::OmpExecutor::create(); }},
[](MPI_Comm comm) {
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
[](MPI_Comm comm) {
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
{"dpcpp", [](MPI_Comm comm) {
int device_id = 0;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("No suitable DPC++ devices");
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
auto exec =;

Creating the Distributed Matrix and Vectors

As a first step, we create a partition of the rows. The partition consists of ranges of consecutive rows which are assigned a part-id. These part-ids will be used for the distributed data structures to determine which rows will be stored locally. In this example each rank has (nearly) the same number of rows, so we can use the following specialized constructor. See gko::distributed::Partition for other modes of creating a partition.

const auto num_rows = grid_dim;
auto partition = gko::share(part_type::build_from_global_size_uniform(
exec->get_master(), comm.size(),

Assemble the matrix using a 3-pt stencil and fill the right-hand-side with a sine value. The distributed matrix supports only constructing an empty matrix of zero size and filling in the values with gko::experimental::distributed::Matrix::read_distributed. Only the data that belongs to the rows by this rank will be assembled.

A_data.size = {num_rows, num_rows};
b_data.size = {num_rows, 1};
x_data.size = {num_rows, 1};
const auto range_start = partition->get_range_bounds()[rank];
const auto range_end = partition->get_range_bounds()[rank + 1];
for (int i = range_start; i < range_end; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i - 1, -1);
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i, 2);
if (i < grid_dim - 1) {
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i + 1, -1);
b_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, 0, std::sin(i * 0.01));
x_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, 0, gko::zero<ValueType>());

Take timings.

ValueType t_init_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();

Read the matrix data, currently this is only supported on CPU executors. This will also set up the communication pattern needed for the distributed matrix-vector multiplication.

auto A_host = gko::share(dist_mtx::create(exec->get_master(), comm));
auto x_host = dist_vec::create(exec->get_master(), comm);
auto b_host = dist_vec::create(exec->get_master(), comm);
A_host->read_distributed(A_data, partition);
b_host->read_distributed(b_data, partition);
x_host->read_distributed(x_data, partition);

After reading, the matrix and vector can be moved to the chosen executor, since the distributed matrix supports SpMV also on devices.

auto A = gko::share(dist_mtx::create(exec, comm));
auto x = dist_vec::create(exec, comm);
auto b = dist_vec::create(exec, comm);

Take timings.

ValueType t_read_setup_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();

Solve the Distributed System

Generate the solver

Setup the multigrid factory with customized smoother and coarse solver Because BlockJacobi does not support distributed matrix, we need wrap it in Schwarz.

auto schwarz_bj_factory =
auto smoother_factory = gko::share(gko::solver::build_smoother(
schwarz_bj_factory, 2u, static_cast<ValueType>(0.9)));

Cg supports distributed matrix, so we can use it as we did in non-distributed case

auto coarsest_factory = gko::share(

The multigrid preconditioner uses the Schwarz Jacobi as smoother and Cg as coarse solver

auto mg_factory = gko::share(

Setup the stopping criterion and logger

const gko::remove_complex<ValueType> reduction_factor{1e-8};
std::shared_ptr<const gko::log::Convergence<ValueType>> logger =
auto Ainv = solver::build()

Add logger to the generated solver to log the iteration count and residual norm


Take timings.

ValueType t_solver_generate_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();

Apply the distributed solver, this is the same as in the non-distributed case.

Ainv->apply(b, x);

Take timings.


Get the residual.

auto res_norm = gko::clone(exec->get_master(),

Printing Results

Print the achieved residual norm and timings on rank 0.

if (comm.rank() == 0) {

clang-format off

std::cout << "\nNum rows in matrix: " << num_rows
<< "\nNum ranks: " << comm.size()
<< "\nFinal Res norm: " << res_norm->at(0, 0)
<< "\nIteration count: " << logger->get_num_iterations()
<< "\nInit time: " << t_init_end - t_init
<< "\nRead time: " << t_read_setup_end - t_init
<< "\nSolver generate time: " << t_solver_generate_end - t_read_setup_end
<< "\nSolver apply time: " << t_end - t_solver_generate_end
<< "\nTotal time: " << t_end - t_init
<< std::endl;

clang-format on



This is the expected output for mpirun -n 4 ./distributed-multigrid-preconditioned-solver:

Num rows in matrix: 100
Num ranks: 4
Final Res norm: 1.61045e-08
Iteration count: 18
Init time: 0.000117699
Read time: 0.000522518
Solver generate time: 0.000430548
Solver apply time: 0.00183804
Total time: 0.00279111

The timings may vary depending on the machine.

The plain program

#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const gko::experimental::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
using GlobalIndexType = gko::int64;
using LocalIndexType = gko::int32;
using ValueType = double;
using dist_mtx =
gko::experimental::distributed::Matrix<ValueType, LocalIndexType,
using part_type =
ValueType, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType>;
const auto comm = gko::experimental::mpi::communicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
const auto rank = comm.rank();
if (argc == 2 && (std::string(argv[1]) == "--help")) {
if (rank == 0) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [executor] [num_grid_points] [num_iterations] "
<< std::endl;
const auto executor_string = argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "reference";
const auto grid_dim =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 3 ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 100);
const auto num_iters =
static_cast<gko::size_type>(argc >= 4 ? std::atoi(argv[3]) : 1000);
const std::map<std::string,
[](MPI_Comm) { return gko::ReferenceExecutor::create(); }},
{"omp", [](MPI_Comm) { return gko::OmpExecutor::create(); }},
[](MPI_Comm comm) {
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
[](MPI_Comm comm) {
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
{"dpcpp", [](MPI_Comm comm) {
int device_id = 0;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("No suitable DPC++ devices");
device_id, gko::ReferenceExecutor::create());
auto exec =;
const auto num_rows = grid_dim;
auto partition = gko::share(part_type::build_from_global_size_uniform(
exec->get_master(), comm.size(),
A_data.size = {num_rows, num_rows};
b_data.size = {num_rows, 1};
x_data.size = {num_rows, 1};
const auto range_start = partition->get_range_bounds()[rank];
const auto range_end = partition->get_range_bounds()[rank + 1];
for (int i = range_start; i < range_end; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i - 1, -1);
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i, 2);
if (i < grid_dim - 1) {
A_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, i + 1, -1);
b_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, 0, std::sin(i * 0.01));
x_data.nonzeros.emplace_back(i, 0, gko::zero<ValueType>());
ValueType t_init_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();
auto A_host = gko::share(dist_mtx::create(exec->get_master(), comm));
auto x_host = dist_vec::create(exec->get_master(), comm);
auto b_host = dist_vec::create(exec->get_master(), comm);
A_host->read_distributed(A_data, partition);
b_host->read_distributed(b_data, partition);
x_host->read_distributed(x_data, partition);
auto A = gko::share(dist_mtx::create(exec, comm));
auto x = dist_vec::create(exec, comm);
auto b = dist_vec::create(exec, comm);
ValueType t_read_setup_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();
auto schwarz_bj_factory =
auto smoother_factory = gko::share(gko::solver::build_smoother(
schwarz_bj_factory, 2u, static_cast<ValueType>(0.9)));
auto coarsest_factory = gko::share(
auto mg_factory = gko::share(
const gko::remove_complex<ValueType> reduction_factor{1e-8};
std::shared_ptr<const gko::log::Convergence<ValueType>> logger =
auto Ainv = solver::build()
ValueType t_solver_generate_end = gko::experimental::mpi::get_walltime();
Ainv->apply(b, x);
auto res_norm = gko::clone(exec->get_master(),
if (comm.rank() == 0) {
std::cout << "\nNum rows in matrix: " << num_rows
<< "\nNum ranks: " << comm.size()
<< "\nFinal Res norm: " << res_norm->at(0, 0)
<< "\nIteration count: " << logger->get_num_iterations()
<< "\nInit time: " << t_init_end - t_init
<< "\nRead time: " << t_read_setup_end - t_init
<< "\nSolver generate time: " << t_solver_generate_end - t_read_setup_end
<< "\nSolver apply time: " << t_end - t_solver_generate_end
<< "\nTotal time: " << t_end - t_init
<< std::endl;
std::vector< nonzero_type > nonzeros
A vector of tuples storing the non-zeros of the matrix.
Definition: matrix_data.hpp:453
Solver events.
The rows will be permuted.
static std::unique_ptr< Convergence > create(std::shared_ptr< const Executor >, const mask_type &enabled_events=Logger::criterion_events_mask|Logger::iteration_complete_mask)
Creates a convergence logger.
Definition: convergence.hpp:73
static int get_num_devices()
Get the number of devices present on the system.
Dense is a matrix format which explicitly stores all values of the matrix.
Definition: dense_cache.hpp:19
static int get_num_devices()
Get the number of devices present on the system.
The Matrix class defines a (MPI-)distributed matrix.
Definition: matrix.hpp:260
Vector is a format which explicitly stores (multiple) distributed column vectors in a dense storage f...
Definition: matrix.hpp:151
Class that sets up and finalizes the MPI environment.
Definition: mpi.hpp:206
static int get_num_devices(std::string device_type)
Get the number of devices present on the system.
Multigrid methods have a hierarchy of many levels, whose corase level is a subset of the fine level,...
Definition: multigrid.hpp:107
detail::cloned_type< Pointer > clone(const Pointer &p)
Creates a unique clone of the object pointed to by p.
Definition: utils_helper.hpp:173
static std::shared_ptr< HipExecutor > create(int device_id, std::shared_ptr< Executor > master, bool device_reset, allocation_mode alloc_mode=default_hip_alloc_mode, CUstream_st *stream=nullptr)
Creates a new HipExecutor.
A block-Jacobi preconditioner is a block-diagonal linear operator, obtained by inverting the diagonal...
Definition: jacobi.hpp:187
The ResidualNorm class is a stopping criterion which stops the iteration process when the actual resi...
Definition: residual_norm.hpp:113
Parallel graph match (Pgm) is the aggregate method introduced in the paper M.
Definition: matrix.hpp:38
A thin wrapper of MPI_Comm that supports most MPI calls.
Definition: mpi.hpp:416
This structure is used as an intermediate data type to store a sparse matrix.
Definition: matrix_data.hpp:126
dim< 2 > size
Size of the matrix.
Definition: matrix_data.hpp:444
CG or the conjugate gradient method is an iterative type Krylov subspace method which is suitable for...
Definition: cg.hpp:48
detail::shared_type< OwningPointer > share(OwningPointer &&p)
Marks the object pointed to by p as shared.
Definition: utils_helper.hpp:224
int map_rank_to_device_id(MPI_Comm comm, int num_devices)
Maps each MPI rank to a single device id in a round robin manner.
double get_walltime()
Get the rank in the communicator of the calling process.
Definition: mpi.hpp:1502
auto build_smoother(std::shared_ptr< const LinOpFactory > factory, size_type iteration=1, ValueType relaxation_factor=0.9)
build_smoother gives a shortcut to build a smoother by IR(Richardson) with limited stop criterion(ite...
Definition: ir.hpp:302
static std::shared_ptr< CudaExecutor > create(int device_id, std::shared_ptr< Executor > master, bool device_reset, allocation_mode alloc_mode=default_cuda_alloc_mode, CUstream_st *stream=nullptr)
Creates a new CudaExecutor.
static std::shared_ptr< OmpExecutor > create(std::shared_ptr< CpuAllocatorBase > alloc=std::make_shared< CpuAllocator >())
Creates a new OmpExecutor.
Definition: executor.hpp:1396
Represents a partition of a range of indices [0, size) into a disjoint set of parts.
Definition: assembly.hpp:26
std::int64_t int64
64-bit signed integral type.
Definition: types.hpp:112
std::int32_t int32
32-bit signed integral type.
Definition: types.hpp:106
typename detail::remove_complex_s< T >::type remove_complex
Obtain the type which removed the complex of complex/scalar type or the template parameter of class b...
Definition: math.hpp:260
static std::shared_ptr< DpcppExecutor > create(int device_id, std::shared_ptr< Executor > master, std::string device_type="all", dpcpp_queue_property property=dpcpp_queue_property::in_order)
Creates a new DpcppExecutor.
A Schwarz preconditioner is a simple domain decomposition preconditioner that generalizes the Block J...
Definition: schwarz.hpp:56