Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1706354773 branch based on develop. Ginkgo version 1.10.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Classes | Enumerations
gko::log Namespace Reference

The logger namespace . More...


class  Convergence
 Convergence is a Logger which logs data strictly from the criterion_check_completed event. More...
struct  criterion_data
 Struct representing Criterion related data. More...
class  EnableLogging
 EnableLogging is a mixin which should be inherited by any class which wants to enable logging. More...
struct  executor_data
 Struct representing Executor related data. More...
struct  iteration_complete_data
 Struct representing iteration complete related data. More...
struct  linop_data
 Struct representing LinOp related data. More...
struct  linop_factory_data
 Struct representing LinOp factory related data. More...
class  Loggable
 Loggable class is an interface which should be implemented by classes wanting to support logging. More...
class  Logger
struct  operation_data
 Struct representing Operator related data. More...
class  Papi
 Papi is a Logger which logs every event to the PAPI software. More...
class  PerformanceHint
 PerformanceHint is a Logger which analyzes the performance of the application and outputs hints for unnecessary copies and allocations. More...
struct  polymorphic_object_data
 Struct representing PolymorphicObject related data. More...
class  ProfilerHook
 This Logger can be used to annotate the execution of Ginkgo functionality with profiler-specific ranges. More...
class  profiling_scope_guard
 Scope guard that annotates its scope with the provided profiler hooks. More...
class  Record
 Record is a Logger which logs every event to an object. More...
class  SolverProgress
 This Logger outputs the value of all scalar values (and potentially vectors) stored internally by the solver after each iteration. More...
class  Stream
 Stream is a Logger which logs every event to a stream. More...


enum  profile_event_category {
  profile_event_category::memory, profile_event_category::operation, profile_event_category::object, profile_event_category::linop,
  profile_event_category::factory, profile_event_category::solver, profile_event_category::criterion, profile_event_category::user,
 Categorization of logger events. More...

Detailed Description

The logger namespace .

The Logging namespace.


Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ profile_event_category

Categorization of logger events.


Memory allocation.


Kernel execution and data movement.


PolymorphicObject events.


LinOp events.


LinOpFactory events.


Solver events.


Stopping criterion events.


User-defined events.


For development use.