Ginkgo  Generated from pipelines/1330831941 branch based on master. Ginkgo version 1.8.0
A numerical linear algebra library targeting many-core architectures
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Cgko::AbsoluteComputableThe AbsoluteComputable is an interface that allows to get the component wise absolute of a LinOp
 Cgko::AllocatorProvides generic allocation and deallocation functionality to be used by an Executor
 Cgko::amd_deviceAmd_device handles the number of executor on Amd devices and have the corresponding recursive_mutex
 Cgko::solver::ApplyWithInitialGuessApplyWithInitialGuess provides a way to give the input guess for apply function
 Cgko::array< ValueType >An array is a container which encapsulates fixed-sized arrays, stored on the Executor tied to the array
 Cgko::array< bool >
 Cgko::array< char >
 Cgko::array< comm_index_type >
 Cgko::array< gko::precision_reduction >
 Cgko::array< gko::stopping_status >
 Cgko::array< global_index_type >
 Cgko::array< GlobalIndexType >
 Cgko::array< index_type >
 Cgko::array< IndexType >
 Cgko::array< int64 >
 Cgko::array< local_index_type >
 Cgko::array< LocalIndexType >
 Cgko::array< real_type >
 Cgko::array< remove_complex< value_type > >
 Cgko::array< size_type >
 Cgko::array< T >
 Cgko::array< unsigned char >
 Cgko::array< value_type >
 Cgko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >::arraysStores the internal arrays of a device_matrix_data object
 Cgko::batch_dim< Dimensionality, DimensionType >A type representing the dimensions of a multidimensional batch object
 Cgko::batch_dim< 2 >
 Cgko::batch::solver::BatchSolverThe BatchSolver is a base class for all batched solvers and provides the common getters and setter for these batched solver classes
 Cgko::preconditioner::block_interleaved_storage_scheme< IndexType >Defines the parameters of the interleaved block storage scheme used by block-Jacobi blocks
 Cgko::preconditioner::block_interleaved_storage_scheme< index_type >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::communicatorA thin wrapper of MPI_Comm that supports most MPI calls
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::contiguous_typeA move-only wrapper for a contiguous MPI_Datatype
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ResultType >ConvertibleTo interface is used to mark that the implementer can be converted to the object of ResultType
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Amd< IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Bicg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Bicgstab< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< BlockOperator >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< CbGmres< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Cg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Cgs< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Cholesky< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Combination< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Composition< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ConcreteBatchLinOp >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ConcreteFactory >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ConcreteLinOp >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ConcreteSolver >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Coo< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Csr< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< next_precision< ValueType > > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Dense< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Diagonal< next_precision< ValueType > > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Diagonal< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Direct< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ell< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ell< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ell< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ell< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Factorization< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fbcsr< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fbcsr< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fbcsr< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fbcsr< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fcg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fft >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fft2 >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Fft3 >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< FixedCoarsening< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Gcr< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Gmres< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Hybrid< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Hybrid< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Hybrid< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ic< LSolverType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Identity< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Idr< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ilu< LSolverType, USolverType, ReverseApply, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Ir< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Isai< IsaiType, ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Jacobi< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< LowerTrs< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Lu< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< matrix::Dense< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Matrix< next_precision< ValueType >, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Matrix< ValueType, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Mc64< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Multigrid >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< MultiVector< next_precision< ValueType > > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< MultiVector< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Partition< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Permutation< IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Perturbation< ValueType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Pgm< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Rcm< IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Rcm< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< RowGatherer< IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ScaledPermutation< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< ScaledReordered< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Schwarz< ValueType, LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Sellp< next_precision< ValueType >, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Sellp< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Sellp< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Sellp< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< SparsityCsr< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< SparsityCsr< ValueType, int32 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< SparsityCsr< ValueType, int64 > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< UpperTrs< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Vector< next_precision< ValueType > > >
 Cgko::ConvertibleTo< Vector< ValueType > >
 Cgko::matrix::CooBuilder< ValueType, IndexType >
 Cgko::cpx_real_type< T >Access the underlying real type of a complex number
 Cgko::log::criterion_dataStruct representing Criterion related data
 Cgko::stop::CriterionArgsThis struct is used to pass parameters to the EnableDefaultCriterionFactoryCriterionFactory::generate() method
 Cgko::matrix::CsrBuilder< ValueType, IndexType >
 Cgko::cuda_streamAn RAII wrapper for a custom CUDA stream
 Cgko::default_converter< S, R >Used to convert objects of type S to objects of type R using static_cast
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< FactoryType >Represents a factory parameter of factory type that can either initialized by a pre-existing factory or by passing in a factory_parameters object whose .on(exec) will be called to instantiate a factory
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< const gko::LinOpFactory >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< const typename l_solver_type::Factory >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< const typename u_solver_type::Factory >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< excess_solver_factory_type >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< factorization_type >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< local_solver_type >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< preconditioner_type >
 Cgko::deferred_factory_parameter< solver_type >
 Cgko::device_matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >This type is a device-side equivalent to matrix_data
 Cgko::DiagonalLinOpExtractableThe diagonal of a LinOp can be extracted
 Cgko::dim< Dimensionality, DimensionType >A type representing the dimensions of a multidimensional object
 Cgko::dim< 1u, DimensionType >
 Cgko::dim< 2 >
 Cgko::dim< 3 >
 Cgko::dim< dimensionality, dimension_type >
 Cgko::experimental::distributed::DistributedBaseA base class for distributed objects
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< ConcreteParametersType, Factory >The enable_parameters_type mixin is used to create a base implementation of the factory parameters structure
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< Parameters, Factory >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Amd< IndexType > >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Cholesky >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Factory >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Lu >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Mc64 >
 Cgko::enable_parameters_type< parameters_type, Rcm< IndexType > >
 Cgko::EnableCreateMethod< ConcreteType >This mixin implements a static create() method on ConcreteType that dynamically allocates the memory, uses the passed-in arguments to construct the object, and returns an std::unique_ptr to such an object
 Cgko::EnableCreateMethod< Combination< ValueType > >
 Cgko::EnableCreateMethod< Composition< ValueType > >
 Cgko::EnableCreateMethod< Perturbation< ValueType > >
 Cgko::detail::EnableDeviceResetControls whether the DeviceReset function should be called thanks to a boolean
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::environmentClass that sets up and finalizes the MPI environment
 Cgko::err< T >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cgko::log::executor_dataStruct representing Executor related data
 Cgko::executor_deleter< T >This is a deleter that uses an executor's free method to deallocate the data
 Cgko::executor_deleter< T[]>
 Cgko::matrix::FbcsrBuilder< ValueType, IndexType >
 Cgko::hip_streamAn RAII wrapper for a custom HIP stream
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::add >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::bitwise_and >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::bitwise_or >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::bitwise_xor >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::div >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::equal >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::greater >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::greater_or_equal >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::left_shift >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::less >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::less_or_equal >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::logical_and >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::logical_or >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::max_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::min_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::mod >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::mul >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::not_equal >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::right_shift >
 Cgko::detail::implement_binary_operation< Kind, FirstOperand, SecondOperand, ::gko::accessor::detail::sub >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::abs_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::bitwise_not >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::conj_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::imag_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::logical_not >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::one_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::real_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::squared_norm_operation >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::unary_minus >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::unary_plus >
 Cgko::detail::implement_unary_operation< Operand, ::gko::accessor::detail::zero_operation >
 Cgko::experimental::distributed::index_map< LocalIndexType, GlobalIndexType >This class defines mappings between global and local indices
 Cgko::index_set< IndexType >An index set class represents an ordered set of intervals
 Cgko::log::iteration_complete_dataStruct representing iteration complete related data
 Cgko::solver::IterativeBaseA LinOp implementing this interface stores a stopping criterion factory
 Cgko::log::linop_dataStruct representing LinOp related data
 Cgko::log::linop_factory_dataStruct representing LinOp factory related data
 Cgko::log::LoggableLoggable class is an interface which should be implemented by classes wanting to support logging
 Cgko::log::Record::logged_dataStruct storing the actually logged data
 Cgko::machine_topologyThe machine topology class represents the hierarchical topology of a machine, including NUMA nodes, cores and PCI Devices
 Cgko::matrix_assembly_data< ValueType, IndexType >This structure is used as an intermediate type to assemble a sparse matrix
 Cgko::matrix_data< ValueType, IndexType >This structure is used as an intermediate data type to store a sparse matrix
 Cgko::matrix_data_entry< ValueType, IndexType >Type used to store nonzeros
 Cgko::accessor::mmul_operation< Kind, FirstAccessor, SecondAccessor >
 Cgko::multigrid::MultigridLevelThis class represents two levels in a multigrid hierarchy
 Cgko::log::ProfilerHook::NestedSummaryWriterReceives the results from ProfilerHook::create_nested_summary()
 Cgko::null_deleter< T >This is a deleter that does not delete the object
 Cgko::null_deleter< T[]>
 Cgko::nvidia_deviceNvidia_device handles the number of executor on Nvidia devices and have the corresponding recursive_mutex
 Cgko::OperationOperations can be used to define functionalities whose implementations differ among devices
 Cgko::log::operation_dataStruct representing Operator related data
 Cgko::Permutable< IndexType >Linear operators which support permutation should implement the Permutable interface
 Cgko::Permutable< int32 >
 Cgko::Permutable< int64 >
 Cgko::config::pnodePnode describes a tree of properties
 Cgko::log::polymorphic_object_dataStruct representing PolymorphicObject related data
 Cgko::precision_reductionThis class is used to encode storage precisions of low precision algorithms
 Cgko::PreconditionableA LinOp implementing this interface can be preconditioned
 Cgko::log::profiling_scope_guardScope guard that annotates its scope with the provided profiler hooks
 Cgko::ptr_param< T >This class is used for function parameters in the place of raw pointers
 Cgko::range< Accessor >A range is a multidimensional view of the memory
 Cgko::syn::range< Start, End, Step >Range records start, end, step in template
 Cgko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >A LinOp implementing this interface can read its data from a matrix_data structure
 Cgko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, int32 >
 Cgko::ReadableFromMatrixData< ValueType, int64 >
 Cgko::config::registryThis class stores additional context for creating Ginkgo objects from configuration files
 Cgko::reorder::ReorderingBaseArgsThis struct is used to pass parameters to the EnableDefaultReorderingBaseFactory::generate() method
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::requestLight, move-only wrapper around the MPI_Request handle
 Cgko::accessor::row_major< ValueType, Dimensionality >A row_major accessor is a bridge between a range and the row-major memory layout
 Cgko::ScaledIdentityAddableAdds the operation M <- a I + b M for matrix M, identity operator I and scalars a and b, where M is the calling object
 Cgko::scoped_device_id_guardThis move-only class uses RAII to set the device id within a scoped block, if necessary
 Cgko::segmented_array< T >A minimal interface for a segmented array
 Cgko::segmented_array< GlobalIndexType >
 Cgko::segmented_array< LocalIndexType >
 Cgko::solver::detail::SolverBaseLinOpA LinOp implementing this interface stores a system matrix
 Cgko::spanA span is a lightweight structure used to create sub-ranges from other ranges
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::statusThe status struct is a light wrapper around the MPI_Status struct
 Cgko::stopping_statusThis class is used to keep track of the stopping status of one vector
 Cgko::matrix::Hybrid< ValueType, IndexType >::strategy_typeStrategy_type is to decide how to set the hybrid config
 Cgko::matrix::Csr< ValueType, IndexType >::strategy_typeStrategy_type is to decide how to set the csr algorithm
 Cgko::log::ProfilerHook::SummaryWriterReceives the results from ProfilerHook::create_summary()
 Cgko::time_pointAn opaque wrapper for a time point generated by a timer
 Cgko::TimerRepresents a generic timer that can be used to record time points and measure time differences on host or device streams
 Cgko::TransposableLinear operators which support transposition should implement the Transposable interface
 Cgko::accessor::transpose_operation< Accessor >
 Cgko::truncated< FloatType, NumComponents, ComponentId >
 Cgko::config::type_descriptorThis class describes the value and index types to be used when building a Ginkgo type from a configuration file
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< T >A struct that is used to determine the MPI_Datatype of a specified type
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< char >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< double >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< float >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< int >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< long >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< long double >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< long long >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< unsigned >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< unsigned char >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< unsigned long >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< unsigned long long >
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::type_impl< unsigned short >
 Cgko::syn::type_list< Types >Type_list records several types in template
 Cgko::stop::Criterion::UpdaterServes for convenient argument passing to the Criterion's check function
 Cgko::UseComposition< ValueType >The UseComposition class can be used to store the composition information in LinOp
 Cgko::syn::value_list< T, Values >Value_list records several values with the same type in template
 Cgko::versionThis structure is used to represent versions of various Ginkgo modules
 Cgko::version_infoGinkgo uses version numbers to label new features and to communicate backward compatibility guarantees:
 Cgko::experimental::mpi::window< ValueType >This class wraps the MPI_Window class with RAII functionality
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Solver >Traits class providing information on the type and location of workspace vectors inside a solver
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Bicg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Bicgstab< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Cg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Cgs< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Fcg< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Gcr< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< gko::experimental::solver::Direct< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Gmres< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Idr< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Ir< ValueType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< LowerTrs< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< Multigrid >
 Cgko::solver::workspace_traits< UpperTrs< ValueType, IndexType > >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< ValueType, IndexType >A LinOp implementing this interface can write its data to a matrix_data structure
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< default_precision, IndexType >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< double >, int32 >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< double >, int64 >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< float >, int32 >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< std::complex< float >, int64 >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< ValueType, int32 >
 Cgko::WritableToMatrixData< ValueType, int64 >